
A dark future lies ahead where all we have left is StackExchange.

Digital voting is not something we should be pursuing! It will never be secure enough against attacks -- and unlike paper ballots, those attacks scale upwards very, very easily.

This trick has been empirically tested and is one component of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. It's legit! 

Hey, c’mon, that’s a really harsh comparison. Let’s be fair here.

You know that hypothetical question that goes, “If you could push a button and instantly have a billion dollars, but some random person, in some random location on Earth, dies because of it, would you push the button?”

Close! Some people are trying to protect every last nickel they can, while others are trying to save lives.

Sad to see this is a Playstation exclusive, and not on PC. :/ At least I don’t have to worry about all my productive hours going down the drain, though.

Thank you! I was really confused by the lack of a star.

That does explain it, thank you!

Oh good! Thank you!

I don’t have the star in the upper-right-hand corner, but I do have an “Enhanced License.” (Says so in the middle-top.) I’ve found conflicting sources that this either *already is* or *does not count as* a Real ID. Can anyone shed some light on this?

I see. Thanks for taking the time to answer!

Just curious, what appealed to you about Yang, as opposed to Bernie?

Because Republicans love Trump.

What differentiates this from the many similar handhelds in RetroMini’s catalog?

Pretty rich coming from a lady who clapped throughout the speech.

Effective voting is contingent upon two things: Complete anonymity, and total trust. Electronic voting makes both of these things impossible to guarantee.

Truly amazing how entertained certain people are by endless, minute variations on “I identify as an attack helicopter.”

Malthusian fears of population overload have been debunked for decades. That’s not the problem. 

Oh hey, this is great! I have a first-gen Pixel XL, and it’s available there, too. Maybe the last update my phone will get, but a good one!