
The simplest answer is, “Not enough.”

This stuff saves lives. Thank you for letting more people know about it.

Thank you! I really appreciate the explanation!

How on earth does someone work for the NSA and not already know this? Christ.

I guess I don’t understand what’s so specific to GTD. It sounds like it’s just one universal to-do list. You happen to keep yours in a spreadsheet. You still have to do the work. The end?

He couldn’t even use the “I don’t watch old TV” excuse - Netflix has a popular show that debuted *this year* about this very issue!

White people being stupid/insensitive and putting on makeup to look like a black cartoon character is the very definition of blackface.

I am pleasantly surprised by your response! Thanks for taking the time, sincerely.

Sure, I’ll bite.

I think it lives in a fuzzy borderland. Some meetings might be fine, helpful even. But on the whole they’re ineffective and prioritize the group over any individual’s sobriety. It is a place where narcissists thrive and sexual harassment (and worse) is a real problem. In extreme cases, AA breaks up families. And,

I guess I’ll be the guy to say, “Alcoholics Anonymous.”

Totally, I’m just sad that this is how we have to talk about it, how we have to go about using it. :/

Jesus, we live in a dark world.

That said, I’m happy that I was able to solve the problem with socialism!

I get that this is deliberately simple, but the Automation/Job Loss model erroneously assumes that greater profits = greater tax revenue, which is not necessarily true.

Do tell?

You sound oddly threatened for someone who’s not affected by this.

Really? That’s shocking. My eyes went really wide at that one. I can’t imagine being a cis gay man forced to undergo transition, Jesus.

It seems a little counterproductive here to say that defining trans women by their oppression empowers the patriarchy, and that we shouldn’t be playing Oppression Olympics — but then to cite the (completely valid) ways in which trans women have things more difficult than cis women.

I found myself similarly irked by “This is not a debate.” Maybe it *shouldn’t* be a debate, but let’s not deny reality here.