
Take water fording for example. Which of these is rated for deeper water fording?

You can tell from their Accent?

Maybe you’re not familiar with the many militaries which already use Mercedes vehicles, including G-wagens? FFS even France (with notoriously nationalist procurement, and a strong local car industry) uses them, albeit with Peugeot badges glued on.

Now playing

No expert, but a couple of things come to mind:

From left to right; dad, passenger, driver. Driver and passenger are wearing matching work shirts. I bet driver works for dad’s business and they were “working” at the time of the accident. I can’t wait to find out who they are. 

I agree with this.

Agree, even Mazepin can win in F2

You have it exactly backwards. Illot is going to Indycar because he isn’t considered one of F1's best upcoming talents. Three years ago, there was a lot of hype around him, but three years is a long time ago. The depth of talent in European single seat feeder series is so ridiculous at the moment that, unless you

It’s pretty easy for you to judge and dismiss things from where you’re positioned in this parasocial relationship. While certainly not as damaging as an addiction to cocaine, parasocial relationships and sitting so far stop a high horse in judgment of complete strangers are unhealthy and, in their own way, addictive

Montréal police are some of the rudest, most violent and racist you’ll ever find. We have a lot of work to do in this city, and it’s slowly starting.

Thanks Sackler family!  

This is meat-smoking blasphemy, but I’m going to confess anyway because it’s da’ bomb: I only smoke my briskets until they sear over or get the look I want (usually 3 to 4 hours), then I pull it out of the smoker and put it in the kitchen oven. I’m told (and I’ve found it to be true) that once the bark sets, little to

You know what my takeaway was from this? More cars need un-varnished wood on the interior. Or at least a flat finish that isn’t crazy-glossy. I think I’ve seen it in some Volvos with that teak they use, but it just looks so much nicer than the glassy looking wood in other cars.

Her privilege is why she should keep her mouth shut and I am glad she was vague.

The abolition movement has nothing to do with rich white men who commit corporate crimes. Her answer was spot on. She truly does not have a right to pontificate about criminal justice reform per her family’s experience, i.e, one of extreme whiter privilege. If she opened her mouth, she would have gotten dragged.

It is

🤨 Detroit was as influential on the techno scene as Germany was.

President Joe Biden is old.

I read that as a CEO of an EV company being excited about the government supporting clean energy and EVs. I did not see any indication from that statement that he was “sure” or “confident” that his company would get the USPS contact; in fact Schrader didn’t even bring up the USPS contract, the host did.

most of the posts on Jez/io9/etc these days are little more than extended tweets...they’re not researched/checked/edited by anyone and are utterly disposable - a mistake in the post? who cares - we got the page views and are busy posting something else!

Buuuuttt accccctuallllyyyy, it’s 3 wires.