
I strongly disagree with this take. I’ve found Civ VI to hold me far more than Civ V ever could. I have nearly four times as many hours logged in the former as the latter.

BMW’s are somewhat quirky in that you have to take some time to learn how to use every function. There is some learning curve involved. Once you’ve learned it then you probably don’t want to switch to a different car and have to unlearn all that.

you understand that to do that would require them to acquire new licensing for a one off image which would likely need to go through a buying department and take multiple days...instead of just using the image library they already have a license for and getting the article out in a timely manner. Journalism requires

Qanon warned us about the danger of groomers.

LOL. We can’t even get a “not slow” train from Toronto to Montreal. It’s literally faster to drive. Average speeds in the Quebec City - Windsor corridor are under 100 kph. This has a snowball’s chance in a sugar bush.

Huh.  Weird how the FIA changed the rules to make Mercedes less competitive last year and then bent the rules to ensure Hamilton didn’t win the championship.  But yeah, they’ll definitely bend the rules to favor Merc.

Simply put, the FAA does not fuck around. Ever. The stick up their ass has a stick up its ass and as a result, everyone everywhere follows the rules. When rules are followed, planes don’t fall out of the sky. The FAA is a large part of the reason why air travel is the safest mode of transportation on this planet.

Hi... Vancouver based claims person here.

To be clear, I’m team “updated 996 headlights, after they toned down the orange area, kinda rule”

I think the focus should be on rehabilitation, not punishment for the sake of punishment, or as a deterrent, which I don’t think is effective.

haha OK.  You got some objective, peer-reviewed, scientific data and analysis for us?  Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass?

But we aren’t talking about BLM, we are talking about these fools now. Why must deflection always take place. The looting was not ok then but that was then, now we are talking now.

There are going to be assholes in every peaceful protest. It is human. The issue here is that someone is flying the flag of one of the most evil regimes in history. 

They were blocking roads, urinating and defecating on national monuments, harassing and attacking people (including a soup kitchen).

Now that we’re down to unvaxxed moron Americans and Canadians ensuring the Covid virus keeps mutating and spreading—you know, all in the name of “freedom”—imagine how great the world would be if Covid now mutated to 100% mortality if you haven’t had your shots. Average intelligence at schools would go up 30 points.

Fuck these clowns.

Counterpoint - this is fucking awesome and wild and i love it. I have no idea who Virgil Abloh was but i dig the hell out of this.

It’s a common problem when companies bring in someone who does fashion or painted art to do industrial design. In car design there are common expected proportions and rules for both the shape and the details. Messing with those proportions causes an uncanny effect, the same as shifting a person’s hips down six inches.


This would absolutely sell. I can see a parade of them heading to Burning Man. 

And maybe proofread their articles.