
I did too! Also because they used that song for Sherlock as well!

Whoa, the Yama skull camera takes stereoscopic pics since the images are made from the two eye sockets. Like how we see... That is some creepy 3D vision.

It was pretty hard to top Season 5's finale because it felt more like it should have been the series finale. Really though, I think the main failing this season was that the monsters were just not up to snuff.

Awesome finale! I guess they blew the rest of the budget on helicopters, was totally expecting some more ridiculously well-chosen songs for the finale soundtrack.

The machine probably has eliminated threats to itself, though probably it neutralizes even just the potential of a threat in the first place. Finch himself has said that the thing learns. It's not just running the numbers, it's evolving. I wouldn't be surprised if it became the next skynet, so it has to on some level

It's also a great twist on the crime series format in that the crime hasn't actually happened yet. There's more to it than just the perp of the week.

That was brilliant, and it's got to take good care of its assets, right?

I think the idea of the machine being a terrible, terrible thing will be developed further on. They've already started addressing it with everyone even knowing about its existence not being in a great situation...

Ha, I suspected Amy Acker was going to be more than just the Person of Interest of the week because she's freakn' Amy Acker! That, and I thought she made a pretty terrible psychologist which would make sense if she wasn't one.

Holy crap, he was on Dexter? Was it the last season? I've not caught up yet, do tell!

I couldn't agree more. How else is Trent going to finish the rest of his EGOT?

Now playing

Strong words, but I totally agree. I'm a huge fan of Radiohead (They are my favourite band in the whole wide universe), but NIN's Year Zero should have definitely placed before them.

Now playing

Agree, ridiculous. No El-P, no Nine Inch Nails's Year Zero (as others have pointed out).

Yes! Yes to both so goddamn much. More Tony Leung please!

I don't think that passage is highlighted so much because it's "deep," but because it acts as validation. It's not a "deep" truth, but a statement that validates a lot of thoughts/feelings that its audience might have. It's about as "deep" as hearing someone say, "everything is going to be okay." People like hearing

Agreed, I also think a lot gets lost when those watching aren't even that aware of genre tropes and conventions. Without that discourse, they can only really interpret it on a superficial level. It's hard to see greater themes and ideas in a work when you can't even accept or immerse yourself in the world a story

I enjoyed it, and our theatre had a lot of fun laughing throughout which is always a plus. In the end though, I felt like I just watched an extra special episode of Buffy/Angel/Supernatural. I guess I have higher or different standard for films, but this wasn't quite cutting it. It felt super indulgent at times or a

I just wish people could make a great project and not drag it out til it's dead. Endings are natural, endings are a good thing. You know what's not good? Things that keep going way past the point they shouldn't. Zombies aren't a good thing.

The moment that the penguin showed up was the moment this went to Lost-levels of awesomeness. It was just that perfect amount of hilarious and creepily unsettling as hell.

Or it could just be that he was just plain hallucinating, and then bringing that hallucination into his dream and explaining it was ketamine shot into him by a psycho.