
Ha, I was totally waiting for that too! I guess it was enough for him to lead Britten to his son's girlfriend though.

Unfortunately yes. You're obviously not catching the show in both of your realities. Get it together man!

With the most expensive cgi walnuts ever created.

I think dragging the show out after season 5 actually weakened the end of that arc. On the other hand, I really did think they still had some places to go afterwards, it's just too bad that they went with Leviathans, which so far haven't impressed me much. I get that they're using them like satirical monsters, but it

To be fair to Sera, the show was pretty much messed up before she got to it. They had this whole series-long storyline that was almost all wrapped up, except for a few things because the show got renewed, where do you go from there?

For one and three, they've always pretty much treated Cas like a dog or servant anyways. When Dean meets Cas again, his number one priority is to get Cas to heal Sam.

I think people need to cut Cas some slack. It was pretty much everyone's fault that the apocalypse happened, cue domino affect that Sam ends up tortured in hell. Cas actually rescued Sam from hell, but did a crappy job of it. The actual state Sam was in, that's an inevitability. That wall wasn't meant to last forever

I think it should have ended a few seasons back already, but I don't think it will be cancelled yet. The stars are still interested in continuing, and the CW still pulls in relatively decent enough numbers for this show considering what else they have on the roster (or rather, what they don't).

I was thinking more along the lines of everyone else that didn't know Jimmy up and became an angel suit. They went to church, didn't they? Wouldn't they notice Mr. I Sold Radio Ads But Can Afford To Live in a Mansion disappeared? Or the people from his job? Or maybe that all got left behind when they first thought he

I absolutely missed the reunion angst there too. There was not enough time to process those feelings whatever feelings there were. Dean and Sam usually grab a beer near the Impala to sort out their issues so we know what's going on there, but none of that happened here.

Haha, all the best of luck to her, though the report could already be in the system, albeit with Jimmy Novak's name.

I didn't quite get the soul-healing or crazy transfer either. I think it wasn't any kind of medical condition for sure since it's got supernatural origins, but even on a magic!logic level it didn't make sense unless, as you said, there was some crazy Lucifer app at work.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the format, just the execution of it. The third episode had it right, work between the two worlds with facts true in both. In that sense, it's really one interconnected case across two worlds. The coincidences and hunches thing I think makes for weaker cases.

I mean that they give information on more of a meta level, the psychiatrists are there to voice or validate audience theories of how one reality is more valid than another. It's one thing for doubt to be cast because the characters seem real, it's another for that doubt to come from comparing the two realities from a

I think the psychiatrists are necessary though because no one else knows what is actually going on besides Britten, and he's for sure not going to give monologues about the validity of each reality. Britten doesn't even seem to care or think about the logic of his situation, that's why the psychiatrists are there to

I think Fringe and Awake bring different things to the table. The multiverse concept is definitely used in completely different ways in each show. Did you give Awake a chance?

Ah finally! Love that the "case" wasn't solved with hunches but with playing between timelines/realities and using common, real information between them.

Well now you know.

I enjoyed this episode too, though I really dislike the common threads in both worlds gimmick for cases. The personal storylines were definitely done better. Britten manages to find out how to do laundry and what his son is up to for the green world from what he discovers in the red world, not by "hunches" or random