
Mike Fahey is among the most charming, loving, and thoughtful members of the games journalism industry. Mike, I truly hope you can make it through this relatively unscathed, even if your glowing Snacktaku review tricked me into trying the actually-vile cinnamon oreos.

My apathy about Destiny 2 has extended to my article ledes. Here’s hoping they can bring me back.

You should have called me first. I could have told you...

Yes. Also hate when people blame the rural folk. Al Franken is midwest suburban, Bill Clinton was rural Arkansas, Trump is NYC. It’s what you think and do, not where you’re from.

No doubt, no doubt

this looks familiar...

I’ve been cooking since I was about 12.(today is my 59th b-day) I’d find a recipe that I thought sounded fun or tasty. Mom would have me make a list and if there was anything that we didn’t have she’d make me write a shopping list and go to the store(and give her the change back. Damnit.)

I’ve always said that recipes are for baking. REAL cooks are more like you see on chopped. “Let’s see, it’s getting to be Dinner Time. What do I have in the pantry...canned tuna, canellli beans, asparagus, and potatos. What can I do with this?”

In space, no one can hear you whinge about honor in video games.

What Trump offers is less a Budget Proposal and more a Modest Proposal.

Nah pretty sure we’ll be reminiscing about when we still had electricity and most of our limbs.

we are one step closer


Destiny 2, the sequel to a video game in which you travel through space, wishing for Destiny 2.

The world needs a JPP emoji for moments like these

But that’s not the hypothetical. It’s mano a mano.

Not for me. Unless it is a 2 raccoon girl fake O faces pic.