
Always great to see new molecular scaffolds in cancer research, but a good rule to live by when it comes to this stuff: Don't get excited when the data only shows efficacy in cells. An in vitro study in a no-name cancer journal doesn't merit a big press/blog/reddit storm that this particular paper is seeing. Lets see

Could use a link to the article/study. Otherwise it sounds completely implausible.

I think the stat is legit - of all teenagers (irresponsible and otherwise) the deaths are heavily weighted to those driving older cars. That's not to say there aren't other factors to control for.

Explaining paranormal activity as being the result of ions affecting one's mood is explaining hocus-pocus with hocus-pocus.

guess people ain't got souls

You could just blur the photos a bit and say they're from the 50 1.2

I leased a cobalt for 4 years (don't judge me!) and this happened to me probably 3-4 times. One time it was on the highway when I simply brushed my keychain with my knee. I've always tried to keep my keychain pretty light, but I can see how a longer/heavier keychain could cause more problems. What a terrible vehicle.

Can I just point out that the units here are in megaseconds. But, then again, the s shouldn't be capitalized either. They must mean multiple sclerosis.


You're absolutely right. I bought a sony NEX, but it stays on the shelf so I can use my D700 with my good glass, nearly every time I shoot.

the gif is a great little animation for explaining what lacking a LSD looks like

some of the wording makes it sound like the MGU-H converts some exhaust heat to energy. This would be the first I've heard of direct heat energy recapture and I didn't think it has ever been deemed worthwhile. Is there something I'm missing? It could also be storing some of the energy from the spinning exhaust turbine.

I wonder if anyone would get the irony if I bought one in scarlet with grey wheels

yeah, you're right. at the risk of beating a dead horse on this blog, everything about this car would be solved by a hatch

makes sense. I wonder if the front overhang would be less bothersome if the windshield/seating were pushed back a bit, a la mazda6

I'm sure the weight distribution is in actuality quite good, but in some pictures it honestly looks like it wants teeter forward onto its chin.

sure it does. Actually, it more accurately follows PV=nRT than gas mixtures do. Nitrogen has a more consistent temperature/pressure curve than normal air does, but your pressure absolutely drops with temperature, which is true until its -321 °F outside (liquids don't obey).

I can't have one since I lack any kind of electrical outlet whatsoever near where I park, but I won't turn my nose up at killing some electrons when I get the chance. The Model S isn't without its issues (one friend's already experienced the "door doesn't open" firmware problem), but even so, it's completely

bah. ignore this.

makes sense