
you don't at least need to fix it?

Is this a reference to yesterday's stupid "iPhones, ranked" post on Gizmodo?

I wonder if these photos would feel as old if shot with a modern day digital camera. I think a lot of what gives these the dated look is the overall film feel. Still no mistaking the absence of the twin towers or cigarette ads, though.

Looks like the image didn't want to crop where I wanted it to.

Frickin michelin man. Does it have to be right there? Kinda spoils the evilness of the front for me.

The day is indeed dawning. Most would argue EVFs are still some time away from equal to an OVF, but once they're brighter/clearer, there would be no reason to want to go back. On-chip phase detection is slowly solving the autofocus problems with mirrorless cameras. Only thing holding me back is my mountain of F-mount

God I love it when the thought it put into a beautiful video. They went through a lot of effort on this one to make the footage artful, yet raw.

Thank you!

We take our 'masshole' status very seriously.


If they would have only kept the lower roof line of the design concept, this would be a completely different animal. It's not as bubbly as the BMW 1 series, but still looks childish.

1) most likely, they're being shown open-face for marketing purposes. There's no reason to expect they would be sold without a flexible seal. 2) If your vehicle - The thing you're relying on for travel - can survive a .50 cal hit, it is a good thing. Everyone knows if the driver gets shot it's game over, but if it was

I'm convinced something is up with these photos. Are the alloy wheels really going to be that small?

aaaaaaaaaaaand thanks for ruining car review videos for everyone. gonna tell them about santa next?

Dat overhang

One small point is that the preparation they went through was intense and made them (in some way) more responsible than your average street racer.

Saw a pedestrian get nailed while wandering across an intersection when he had the red hand and the driver had a green light. Felt great to be a witness and defend the driver.

I dig it - I'm quite familiar with the difference between a battery and a capacitor, but "Boom" well received.

I didn't say the article was misleading.

"only allows the use of 5s and 9s in their prices..." golden.