
That very often is the case.

There should have been more uproar about the Chicken Pox vaccine - as it is now becoming very clear that it tends to cause shingles for people in their 30's; shingles was primarily an "elderly" affliction otherwise.

Its like this BZ: we work in the same building (twitter). If you walk into my office ("follow" me), I can and probably will say something to offend you. If you don't want to be offended, don't walk into my office - you can still be in the building just not in my office (aka, be on twitter without following me).

Yeah, if they used Google's spam filters, the thing wouldnt have needed a whole weekend.... just 5 minutes and AIDs would already be cured

Tend to agree, but some of these tools dont work that way. MyFitnessPal allows you to track each specific ingredient, by the ounce, often with cooking method.

While I agree wholeheartedly with your overall point about willingness to give up our right to privacy... I think most Gizmodo readers are savvy enough to recognize that there really is no such thing as privacy on the interwebs... and the ones who aren't, are too busy planning how to spend the huge check they are

It was turned off already on my iPhone 4 - when setting up the device you are asked if you want to send diagnostic/usage info to Apple... to which i said No. Big difference there.

Not true... prosecuting a patent ("getting a patent") is both costly and time consuming - even if he filed the patent himself (which would be a ton of work), he would have to spend a minimum of several hundred dollars just on filing fees.

@saltboy: Yep, cuz Microsoft has been wonderful since Ballmer took the helm... and they invented the Ribbon Bar

Maybe the kid didnt deserve to be punched, but come on, seriously... a punch in the arm leads to police? Thats as much an overreaction as it was for the old man to punch him.

@Alizarin: it looks like they did have an artist involved... giant anime eyes!

@kalaeth: yeah, im pretty sure BP has f5cked a lot of people all at once with that whole gulf thing

@ThinkerTDM: reboot the phone... i was having the same problem and a reboot fixed it

@EBone: shining on the screen at movies... duh ;-)

Here is another simple tip. If you use Rocketdock, just place Notepad in the dock - then drag whatever file you are interested in onto the Notepad in the dock and it will open.

I found something (havent yet installed) that looks roughly equivalent for XP.

Anyone know of anything like this for XP?

I too prefer rocketdock hands down. I have been using it for nearly a year now and I can't remember the last time I had to open my start menu or clutter my desktop with shortcuts to oft used programs.