
Seriously. This week began with the scandal of Trump giving Russians intel because he’s too stupid not to. That was followed with the news that he tried to obstruct an FBI investigation, before firing the FBI director when he wouldn’t give in to Trump’s demands. Now he’s touring a region he knows almost nothing about

“Fake’s all fake news..librul bullshit...”

I agree.

“Contrasting the straight lines of the product and the cool metal against the beautiful curves and warmth of the human body is art, and I had no other intention besides but to show that contrast, and the desire [to] “take” that away to see the complete beauty.”

Yeah, we’re tired of hearing about Russia too, just for different reasons.

Is it bad that this doesn’t even seem that bad? I mean, in any other Administration this would be a huge scandal that would unfold over the course of months. Today, it seems kind of blurry next to the Comey memos and the Russian leaks.

I disagree. I think it’s in Democrats best interest to look like they’re being partisan and not put too much trust in Comey- *yet*.

I know it’s not an “emergency” becuase you’re still in the fucking theater. You’re phone is a giant blinding light flickering.. it’s not about staring at your selfish ass. I didn’t pay good money to watch people yank out their phones every minute and a half

That kids mom and dad dont come off as being great role models either...

There was a quote on one of the NATSEC feeds I follow a while back that I think sums up the bigger threat.

Looks like the Russians are innocent.

Normally Al Green says, “Let’s stay together.”

“I have the best thugs.”

I mean, we found out he was asking the director of the FBI to put journalists in jail, so...

He’s two or three sizes away from wearing David Byrne’s big suit.

Joseph Gordon Levitt starring in a James Spader biopic.

WTF??? For the love of God. Get this guy out of office. I can’t take much more of this shit.