you realize it’s pretty much the opposite?
you realize it’s pretty much the opposite?
from an ashley tweet earlier i’d already googled everyone. and the same, wow, what a crowd. but F daughter and son-in-law, they’ll do the 4th happy family photo op for the nation with daddy dearest and all will be all sparkly again. smfh.
the clagon ad needs to be updated to include tweeters above their station who are just plain causing harm to each and every person, animal, and the planet. oh, and as of yesterday, now the ‘space’.
Jay and Bey have more talent in their left pinky cuticle than KanKim.
please make it stop (calgon take me away).
alas, my recent homestate of GA is not on that list. local NPR is saying there’s a huge fight going on here about this but no official word. please can someone invent brain shampoo that does not include alcohol in its ingredients. my liver can’t take all of this for much longer.
hahah! but no, it’s like there will be no doctors except for the elite few.
and alchol inducing.
i’m greys so this will be lost. she’s a verge lindsey lohan who never really had, uh, camera cuteness/astuteness at a young age. and quite obviously has something going on to where she needs recorded her youthful exploits over and over on SM. gotta wonder, someone somewhere (manager, agent, parent, aunt?) would step…
not dissing cher, just remember my parents YAWN stuff, cher and of course frank zappa. there’s a history of this. but instead of just original ‘wacky’ names, the peeps are using titles.
let the each-decades parents suffering name/shame. the kids be raised and inherit such a cooshie world that, at least in my memory, cher started it. ;) but yes, fruit, titles, really?
and the paid-to-play “continuing to be thoughtful abt her platform” wife, and the “doesn’t engage in politics” daughter, and the multi hat-wearing ill-equiped son-in-law, and the tv-blabbermouth animal-killing sons. the ex-wives, and the other daughter. nevermind the cabinet and any and everyone mr trumpertantrum has…
very feminine watch there, mr trumpertantrum.
don’t forget the dad jeans!!!
of course. call me elder, but until they squeeze balls in the same way they squeeze boobs in mammograms, the system is F’d. so no surprise. any kits for rape have potential for, uh, prosecuting an asshole guy? i’ve got just dismay and depression.
was happy to have made it into my early 50s last year feeling and looking younger with little efforts. then the election results. for the first time, i have red eyeballs, puffy eyes, and darkness forming. and i’ve gained the T10. no amount of products will resolve these new body developments, but now i am looking at…
here’s the list of who he’s represented that the feds, etc were going after:
hahah i’ll laugh my way through the weekend. i’m not poor, and not a snowflake. newsfeed wasn’t dangerous, are you hampered by it?
of course i (and most people) realize that being conservative doesn’t make someone inherently racist.
there’s nothing irrational about being angry at conservative friends who post pro-trumpertantrum or are racist. after accepting friend requests from people i’d passed in the hallways of high school who i noticed are now racists i immediately unfriended. during the debates any conservatives (again, all from HS) i…