
Then you don’t know much about either man.

She DID say, of Russia and Alaska, “They’re our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska”

That’s not being faithful. That’s being insulting to women.

I about lost my damn mind over some of the coverage I saw of that. “Melania Trump had to remind her husband of this during the pledge”...for fuck’s sake, don’t sugar coat it. The fucking president can’t manage what millions of first graders do every morning.

I had that dress in the 90s.

This proves that I am the winner of my years-long feud with my daughter regarding the best member of 1D.

I said STEP for a reason.

. . . but you do, anyway?

I really can’t anymore. I just can’t.

So, I get that it’s not unusual for visiting heads of state to ride in the carriage, but is it unusual for them to insist on it? Also, you know, if Donald decides that it’s worth the risk, who am I to tell him otherwise?

Wow, I wonder how many unpaid interns toiled under pain of death so “Melania” could “pull this off?”

Jeff didn’t out Zeke as transgender to a national audience, the producers of Survivor did that.

As a passenger, I hope people remember that airlines need to manage their own shit and not ask paying passengers to do it for them.

I had the same reaction to W., the other day. Much as he has been sanitised in comparison with the unhinged looney-tunes we are currently enduring, his speech patterns drove me to distraction. I remembered what those eight years of auditory blood pressure surges were like.

+1. I turn off NPR whenever he starts talking. I prefer to read my daily dose of stupidity. Most preferably with a heavy dose of Jez snark to make the medicine go down.

Discovery, motherfuckers....


It’s actually an entry from my diary that I accidentally posted online : (

The Bush Jr. era of made up wars is going to be completely forgotten after Trump’s Presidency is over. Mark my words.