
I think we all know who Trump should hire to clean up that kitchen; I think they’d get along really well.

The problem is that it’s not just stupid rednecks. This stupidity is transversal along all cultures, including minorities (who think he’s going after immigrants), documented immigrants (who think he’s going after the illegals) and undocumented immigrants (who once thought he was going after the criminals).

Riiight. Because Tom’s cheese hadn’t already slid off his cracker, that was allll Katie’s fault.

You didn’t read the article. It was not the family’s gun.

Here’s a tip that I abide by.

Anybody else giggle when they found out one of the perpetrators was a woman named Juan Wang? Anybody? Nobody? Well...I thought it was funny...

Wait ten years, you will be praying for death like me.

Usually it takes generations of inbreeding to get a ruling dynasty this dumb.

Oh god he’s chanting “U.S.A!” in his tweets.

Reps from nearby public schools said they hadn’t heard from the White House offering their customary tickets; ditto groups for military families, according to the Times.

Or the raid in Yemen that was ordered between the salad and the palate cleanser that preceded the entree.

It’s good that the Easter Egg Roll/Hunt is being planned with about as much consideration as a fucking raid on an air base in Syria.

This man is a hero. The courage it must take to be an outspoken and highly-visible abortion provider in this day and age, when you have seen your colleagues killed, and in the face of rabid anti-choice activists and legislation, is tremendous. I fervently wish for his continued safety.

💜 you so much for “100 Days of Clusterfuck”!

Honestly they took a lot of heat for pulling that exploitative crap with the SEAL’s wife from the military community. I’m a vet and I was PISSED that he did that. This seemed to me like a way to accomplish a few goals from an optics perspective. He gets to look like he cares about civilians being gassed and he’s

The reason you don’t generally hit runways is that they are easy and inexpensive to quickly fix (fill in and top)!

What I’d like to see (and won’t of course) is, of the $24 million spent by the taxpayers, how much went into his pocket as the owner of Mar-a-Lago. Quite the gig.

No we should not. We should encourage him to quit ...

We have an anonymous support group that meets every week on Tuesdays.

Watching Rachel fucking Maddow, of all people, applaud the airstrikes last night was fucking appalling.