
In this climate it makes you a raging nationalist racist.  But nice try klansman.

Dude you are so right. They are inferior, tyrant supporting, misled, stupid assholes.  I think you just nailed it!

Is Trump still doing that, or did he change the policy back to the way it was done under Obama?  When children were removed only if there was suspicion of abuse or other criminal activity observed...

Totally, these people are disgusting racists and I wish the film maker had brought that out more.

and he insulted the American hero John McCain!

If it doesn’t have a political agenda then its supporting the alt-right.  Just ask Taylor Swift... 

So glad she’s gone pro-democracy.  Until people speak out and stress the importance of an upcoming midterm election you never know whether they’re into democracy, monarchism, fascism, or whatever...Now we know she thinks democracy is the best.

It was so great how they called Lindsey Graham out for being gay.  If we all know somebody is gay, they have no right to stay in the closet, let’s drag em right out....

hahaha, he’s a serial gang rapist!

I think its really cool how the hot new start mocks Chevy Chase for his career ending in 1983.  Really classy to point that out when you’re on top...

I think its cool this young new star is mocking chevy chase for his career dying in 1983.  Its classy to point that out when you’re on top.

I hear you. We can keep up the pressure by always calling her an evil racist. The emmy’s did their part and now its up to us to keep hounding Roseanne without mercy.

Exactly, I don’t want to say I’m hoping life imitates art here.  But seriously, she is working for the Russians and is a racist.  I only wish the absolute worst for her, for the rest of her life with no chance of being pardoned.

I’m so glad the industry was ripping on her so much at the Emmy’s. This woman deserves to be hounded and shamed for the rest of her days because of her extreme racist tweets and her conspiracy theories...No respite for sitcom Nazis.

Yeah, you can’t trust a guy like Norm, one of these days he’s gonna slip and say something bad again.  No second chances for victim shaming hack comedians.

At least we know Roseanne is in a real bad place...and for her extreme racism, nobody deserves it more.

Cool story, brah

Young fallen youtube stars”. Hahaha, moralize much?  

Cool, sounds like edgy, guerrilla, experimental movie making.  Keep it undercover guys and stick it to the establishment!

Will Trump accept the invitation to the Trump/Lynch summit do you think?