
No way, we all have the right, officially approved opinions.  In fact if we don’t then our comments don’t show up at all.  

Yes, and the best part of it is we can just call anyone who we disagree with intolerant and shut them down.  

So true, and I’m also happy that Rotten Tomatoes has taken a stand against trolling and thrown their weight in behind Disney through censorship!

She just needs to embrace raw sexuality a little more openly. Stop trying to be classy and give us that politically correct frank sex talk that William Hughes thinks is appropriate.  He don’t play this coy demure game.  

I love it when the rich, powerful, and famous are also the morally righteous ones.  Its poor midwesterners with little influence who are the real enemy.  Thank God for celebrities!

I say round em up and put em in camps.  These cockroaches, lets watch them squirm!....  

Thanks heavens theyre censoring the internet and helpfully suggesting authoritative, reputable, and sure to have the right opion sources as the top results—Entertainment Tonight, ABC, CBS, CNN, and the like.  We have got to stop these trolls at any cost.  Me I trust in outlets like Enterntainment Tonight, ABC, CBS,

He committed the hate crime.  Against Trump supporters.  And avclub backed him to the hilt. 

also it was an actual hate crime against trump supporters

How about the damage to the Trump supporter community?  Any sympathy for the people targeted in this hate crime?

how about slandered Trump supporters?  Aren’t they the victim here?

yeah and you call alex jones a conspiracy theorist.....

Guys, this is just so confusing and messy.  I mean total clusterfuck, just can’t wrap my mind around it....I mean it was a racist homophobic attack by Trump supporters and now it turns out to all just be a big hoax?  I just can’t figure it out....such a clusterfuck.

It seems like no one wants to mention the elephant in the room. This case is an alt-right pizzagate fantasy. And clearly the director helped to inspire the pizzagate thing with the first 2 seasons. Its the cross between the occult and the politically connected elite that makes pizzagate (and true detective) so

Here’s the thing. Even if this is a hoax, and yeah its been looking like that for awhile now, its important to remember what this is really all about.  Defending young gays in marginalized bodies.  That is why Jussie told his story and it was very inspiring to the marginalized gay bodies in this country.  Let’s

I think its so cute how you title this “Maybe don’t”. So precious of you. And so morally upstanding to criticize racists of the past. I love your cute morally upstanding take on things.

It was a fine movie.  Such a fine movie.  When I think Ghostbuster 2016, I think “fine movie”.    

I thought it was so funny how they were spying on a 13 year old boy masturbating and describing the scene in detail.

hahaha you should write for the onion!  That’s so funny to make up a Trump speech!

I love picking on old white people. They’re not as threatening as young white people so a much safer target....