
Does he identify any more racist cartoon characters?

Totally, I just loved Wolff’s comments about knockin’ that baby out...what a hero that woman.

Yeah, that’s about all ya got.

This isn’t about right or wrong or anything like that. It’s political orthodoxy. You either toe the party line or you must be called out and humiliated at the meeting until you admit you’re a secret racist. Then properly admonished and with extreme signs of penitence you can rejoin the party. The only way to not lose

You’re a bunch of narrow minded censoring cowards. Enjoy your little anti septic echo chamber. Its getting really really boring, all your self congratulatory historical awards shows. Go pat yourselves on the back you’re still cool and edgy, and lets keep hoping for some more history making circle jerks.

Yeah, get their colors right, because we gotta judge everybody on the color of their skin, not the quality of their character! Its the progressive thing to do man, color is the most important thing!

Quelle suprise, eh?

No, they didn’t give awards to black people because America is so racist. Its our fault they didn’t reward these minority actors earlier.

An odd sort of tone? Oh dear, can’t these precious entertainers just stay steadfastly anti-Trump 100% of the time? Its so disconcerting to see anything but the self-righteous moral preening and finger pointing that lets us know what evil people Trump voters are....

I loved how Clinton didn’t accept donations and just paid for everything out of pocket.

“White Trash”. Cool can we say the N word now too on here?

why are libs so easy to trigger? something about a deficient sense of humor?

Yeah why can’t those stupid Republicans just listen to all the smart independently minded celebrities who endorsed Clinton? And as for that fence sitter Taylor Swift....well she should be run out of town.

Yeah if only we could have gotten some more beloved celebrities to come out for Clinton. Like that evil Taylor Swift for example.....then she might have won!

Pissed on old couch? Cool, way to shame the midwest working classes you big city pop culture junkie elitists.

No, I think its dressing up in black and violently mobbing your political opponents on the street is what makes you a fascist.