
Do you think it’s a white sensibility to dislike the harem trope? Because there are both plenty of people who hate it in Japan and like it in the West. I mean, it’s blatant wish fulfillment.

Maybe he saw that episode of Star Trek TNG where the elders of the clone planet were stealing DNA from the Enterprise crew to grow clones to diversify their population and he’s afraid it could really happen./s

Believe it or not, but most employers hire you to do your fucking job, not make a hostile work environment. This should not be seen as a bad thing! I’m not sure that everyone will agree with you but I’m glad that’s your take on this story because it’s mine as well.

So, essentially Google’s policy was — we are going to create programs to help people become productive employees regardless of sex or race. We also would appreciate people not creating a hostile environment for any of the workers — whether they be pro-diversity or anti-diversity as this could be seen as creating a

“It doesn’t matter that most of the time no one shoots me with that thing,” wrote Reddit user BitterBubblegum. “Constantly expecting it is the thing that reduces the enjoyment.”

Wish it was like old gtao and you have the ability to just make money in private matches and not have to deal with dumbshit like this

Take it from me. Just play the game as-is and think of the loot boxes as purely bonus material.

Vader was also old, when you think about it. Because even if he’s not as old as obi-wan, he’s... seriously messed up, on top of his age. Limbs replaced with mechanical parts, covered in scars, probably in constant pain. He’s scary because he has telekinetic powers and will absolutely murder people at the drop of a

that only exists digitally, with no physical representation to back it up

You’re basically describing stocks here.

I agree. CPM has made righteous indignation his schtick.

First off, I disagree. An apology is still an apology, even if it’s not the one you were looking for. If someone says, “I’m not sorry I did it, but I’m sorry it had unintended consequences,” then that’s an apology, and hating it only reveals that your real problem is that he doesn’t think the way you believe he

Would have been better if that was Admiral ackbar’s sacrifice to make

Rowling didn’t just create a fake name, she wrote a fake author bio for the first novel claiming to be a former military police investigator and saying that the stories were inspired by those real-life experiences. That’s a completely false claim, and presented in a way that would make potential buyers believe they

I interpret “But rather than being held accountable for his actions, Cebulski was made Marvel’s editor-in-chief,” to mean Charles doesn’t think Cebulski should have the job.

Stephen King wrote under a pseudonym earlier in his career, and invented details for the “about the author” section. Richard Bachman was in the Coast Guard and the Merchant Marines, but Stephen King did not serve at all. Does that make this a “stolen honor” situation? He said he had a six-year-old that died in a

Except it’s not. You guys want everything to be the worst thing ever and deserving of the worst punishment ever.

Hah. No, that will not happen in this day and age of instant internet rage and mob justice.

I keep hoping that one day the people who get paid to write articles either a) learn, or b) show the wherewithal to say, “It was wrong, but the punishment shouldn’t be life-changing.”

The following three things are true:
-I don’t abominate Charles Pulliam-Moore’s writing or journalistic style.
-I do, however, think

What are you even talking about? They found an enthusiastic Doug Jones type in a comic book store where they were shopping. There’s nothing even remotely nerd shame-y about the article.