
Golly, its almost as if reading before commenting might have clarified the difference. Whoda think it!?!

BS, they sold people who wanted to buy a 60kwh car a 60kwh car at the 60kwh price with the optional upgrade to 75kwh later if they wanted it or a future second hand owner wanted. These buyers knew exactly what they were getting when purchasing these cars, it wasn’t being hidden from them.

Are you upset that the only difference in power between a AMG GT and AMG GTS is a software tune by Mercedes too?

For cpu and gpu makers they would sometimes gimp a higher end card by disabling some cores or stream processors and then selling it as a lower end cheaper card. Would you complain about that.

So are you also upset that your ISP doesn’t give you 300mb/s for the same price as the 30mb/s pack simply because they have the ability to unlock that speed by flipping a switch?

This is like binge-watching Deep Space Nine and getting to one of the O’Brien Must Suffer episodes.

Someone needs to send you a corgi and some sweet corn.

So you hate him cause hes a billionaire? A self made one at that. Youre just jealous.

One hardly knows where to begin.

Sounds like he was paying her what HE thought she was worth.

The article you posted is over two years old, with outdated information to match. It in no way responds to @Hunter3203, whose position is that while Musk takes subsidies, so does every single other player in every industry he’s involved in. And thus far, he has proven one of the more responsible parties in those

Kid looked into the face of the abyss. Sees a future with no candy. Suddenly realizes he has to do all the things very, very quickly in order to escape before the midnight bell chimes twelve. 2023 might have been a good target earlier, but I don’t think he plans on waiting that long. Mars is a long shot and 2020ish is

Why? Because he wants to bring an ide he suggested to life? You realize this “dickbag” is allowing other companies to use the trademarked Hyperloop name with no intention of stopping them. This dickbag opened up Tesla’s patents to other companies to further the advent of electric cars. There are so many unconventional

How do you define subsidies? SpaceX is the low cost provider in the satellite business. He’s providing the same service that Boeing and Lockheed, two of the biggest defense contractors, charge the government more for. Those companies receive government money that DWARFS anything SpaceX has ever gotten.

It’s not really “greed”, it’s more like “I have a successful game and would like to keep paying my employees to keep it successful and up and running.”

Yep, that is definitely censorship. And in case anybody disagrees and thinks only the government can censor or that censorship has to break the First Amendment, this should help: