Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.
Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.
When Eric went to his auntie’s house, he brought the butter cookies in a tin! He was raised right. I loved Eric.
You forgot to add in where cops nationwide defend this while they get all sanctimonious about how they’re the thin blue line and no one can possibly understand the stress the job puts them through, so people need to cut them some slack when they gun down a deaf man with a metal cane.
Go up to man with stick. Claim you’re scared of stick. Kill man. Enjoy paid vacation. Claim murdered man was “no angel”. Collect extra overtime quelling the protests after you’re cleared of any wrong doing.
People can care about multiple things.
I am sure she will burn National Enquirer into the pile of ashes.
I fuckin’ hate pranks.
Beyond well-deserved. That episode was so flawlessly crafted and beautiful, and her acceptance speech made me cry.
Nah, you don’t actually have to invite her, and the proof is right there in her ‘We’ll see about that’ response. You invite people to your wedding who are there to support you, on your day, as you embark upon the wonderful experience of having your relationship legally and religiously authorized and recognized. Her…
I can not believe that my cross stitch is on here.
James Woods doesn’t think a 24 year old dating a 17 year old is bad. He thinks a 24 year old guy dating a 17 year old guy is bad.
I love Serena Williams so much. I love that she is just doing her thing totally unbothered while Shriekadopa tries to steal the headlines with something that happened over a decade ago. I hope Serena keeps putting out baby pics and training videos whenever Maria opens her yap.
i’ve been drunk enough to voluntarily eat Arbys, but never drunk enough to become racist.
Love him. Love Fleetwood Mac. Love his cover here. But Florence + The Machine did it better:
I found out my ex was cheating when I was 8 months pregnant. I locked down emotionally and decided I could stick it out for two years, instead of taking my toddler and soon-to-be-newborn and trying to manage on my own. I was a SAHM so I frankly needed that financial security.
I know we will have to co-parent, regardless of the outcome, so we are both seeking counseling in order to work through issues to be better parents. I just don’t know what is right, or at least, what other people would do in a situation like this.
Neither. It is exhausting. And in some cases, understandable. He’s a kid and those photo’s seem remote. If he’s from a small town, the exposure could help him find a mentor that can guide him into a creative career field.
As a very young Gen Xer, please keep up the good work.