Right, buddy. You and Submarine guy, a pair of innocent lambs.
Right, buddy. You and Submarine guy, a pair of innocent lambs.
Just a reminder that there is no genuine track record of Satanist child abuse anywhere in the world.
Christianity’s record, however...
Katya was robbed in All Stars 2.
Judge Judy Sheindlin is an American icon and gem. She ought to be treasured and beloved, not disrespected. Shame on you!
Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.
I’ve lived with pretty severe bipolar disorder I since I was 14 (diagnosed only at age 28, but the symptoms set in far, far earlier than that). I know the pain of being so depressed you can’t get out of bed for days at a time, so much that even the thought of showering is too exhausting to accomplish. I know how it…
Can you imagine if this was BLM or Standing Rock literally pushing and trying to physically fight riot cops?
True, it is hard to discern the motivations of fictional straw monsters conjured by MRA assholes.
I treat her very well, I give her preference in nearly everything, and am chivalrous (not just an act) every single day. She makes me very happy, and is very sweet, beautiful, smart and loveable.
...with warm wishes and kind regards,
Ramsey Bolton.
Great swimsuit! I swear that cut looks great on everybody. Cheers to Chelsea, looks like she’s L-I-V-I-N
She has the happiness of someone who’s got a new lease on life. She’s seen some dark shit and is finally free from it all. She’s radiating, as she should :)
Ugh I love her, if only because her positivity is such a welcome antidote to how our society expects trans women to be: the tragic victim in our own story. Or the villain. Just showing that you can be trans and proud and also happy is revolutionary.
I’m worried about her beautiful skin, hopefully was she wearing sunscreen? And yes, I’m no fun at the beach. I will chase you down with a floppy hat and hector you about skin cancer until you slather some on just to shut me up.
Those of us who have been using Twitter for years and years know that the platform is generally a hellscape of bad…
Outraged white dude voice: “She was his STEP-daughter and ADOPTED! Gah! You’re forgetting the totally normalizing factors here, libturd!!! No wonder men hate you, you multiple cat-owning, old, fat loser!”