fart every time you leave your desk.
fart every time you leave your desk.
Bernie will get more coherent answers if he grills a hotdog.
Yep. I am all for what Gad said except for this part. You cannot be an animal rights activist and a PETA supporter.
I’m an animal shelter volunteer and, between my wife and I, have four cats. PETA is garbage.
“fervent supporter of organizations like PETA”
It seems to me that the notion that female-coded things are infantilizing and not to be taken seriously is itself steeped in patriarchal ideals.
It’s almost like different people can....feel differently!!!!!
I mean it’s a women’s rights march, not the unborn fetuses’ rights march. Didn’t the Right to Life people try to hold a march last year that got aborted.... I mean, cancelled because of snow?
i...love her?
So glad he and the rest of Atlanta getting the credit they deserve. Even the commercials for La La Land are boring. I don’t get it.
This STILL makes we want to scream into the void. How many people actually want this? Have they devoted any thought to the logistics, maintenance, and oh, that AIRPLANES WILL STILL EXIST. And that plenty of the low-paying American jobs that Americans DONT WANT TO DO are done by people across the border? Also, I recall…
This week, the 2017 Coachella line-up was released to a typical flurry of excitement. Along with headliners Kendrick…
Also, I don’t think it’s necessarily worth sticking it to the musicians on this year’s lineup, who 1. likely do not have dealings with Anschutz and 2. have certainly signed their contracts long ago, the violation of which would likely lead to legal ramifications. Don’t go vilifying Beyoncé or Kendrick or Lorde etc,…
Also calling me an asshole for thinking a gay woman should call a homophobe a homophobe is quite the take.
Thank you for everyone who has donated, took time to listen to our story and all the nice comments. A special shoutout for this blog who posted us. You guys are definitely helping us to achieve our dream. Much love ❤️ - One of the Monroe cheerleaders
Lutheran or Canadian?
My husband once pissed me off before a flight. I stared out the window in silence for three hours, out the bus window for one hour and then through a 30 minute information session at the hotel, before finally continuing our fight once ensconced in our room. These people need to be sentenced to a rage repression…
You already knew someone who thinks they’re clever was gonna make a comment like this. It’s 75 degrees in LA today. I’m going to enjoy myself.