Traeh Noel

"News anchor" was referring to the guy on the left, who is actually a news anchor.

Wow SERIOUSLY? I really do not see the appeal here of his "gamer" segments. He is so boring in them, purposefully obtuse and just useless. It might be funny but he is so stiff. I am very surprised that people actually like this, I always assumed it was just his fans/stupid people.

i'm pretty sure there's a fee involved.

Here's a game you can play on your PS4 without leaving the main menu. 1) Plug a PlayStation Eye Camera into the console or a headset into the controller. 2) Say "PlayStation" 3) And then start naming games you've installed. Important! —> Be playful. Try variations.

I actually think she was kind of being a dick about it. He had five minutes left!

...this commercial is terrible. I know most people on Kotaku won't recognize it but this is an abusive relationship. She ignores her boyfriend's interests and tells him 'tough luck' when she just takes it away from him. Then she proceeds to treat him as nothing more then an object twice, once by demanding he gives her

no, PS3's UI was a work of intuitive art. Vastly superior to EVERY console UI. It makes Xone/360's and even PS4's look like a joke.

I have both too, and I could not disagree more. The PS4 is infinitely superior. Xbox One is an utter mess, ugly, slower, more confusing. For instance the step to share a video are ridiculous, and once complete you have to wait while it encodes it. Ps4 it's a breeze.

The PS4's UI is fast, elegant, clean and logical.


The article isn't about Jason's opinion, it's about everyone else's.

I really want those totori bed sheets and as a girl, it's perfectly acceptable. Mwuahhahahaahahhaah

I am sure the 5 people who used the "Other OS" function were heartbroken..

First of all Microsoft is telling you not to use it, so put away your tar and feathers.

Don't stress too much - I try to be equally snarky to all the companies and machines we cover.

I'm reasonably sure it has its roots in poor people buying clothing outside their financial reach so they could take it back and get new clothes in an effort to stay "fresh". The way these things tend to do, what poor people did for practical reasons became hip and now you have people buying clothes they can afford

First PlayStation boot screen is iconic and brings back a tons of memories...

Stop giving Media Coverage to these assholes.

American English vs every other country's English.

Yesterday I came across this on Miiverse. It was on that Barbie game's community.

Yeah, this gif is getting overused now.