Traeh Noel

While the Bermuda Triangle isn't a real location in GTA, players started rumors that evoked it. The claim is this: if go you far enough into the ocean in GTA San Andreas or GTA V, your plane will inevitably crash. While people dispute whether or not this is true, the myth likely spread because of one detail: if you

I am likewise surprised, not my the lack of a Titan, its still relatively new, but the lack of Dragon Ball is surprising. I figured Dragon Ball and One Piece were the main religions there.

I always figured it means Monkey "DangerZone" Luffy.

It is way too easy to get lost in that.

At this point, I really wish they could create an engine that will last the next 5/6 years, so they can remake the entire series, so that it is all genuinely connected. Almost a reboot of the series, with a uniformity to it all.

Imagine playing Red and Blue with the set-up and additions of a modern Pokemon game.

You should be embarrassed, and I mean proper embarrassed. It is pretty obvious, with a basic understanding of the English language, and the ability to read it properly, that s/he was talking about this specific Manga, and not the entire concept of Manga itself.

Either apologise profusely and admit your massive fuck up,

Out of curiosity, having read through the comments, do you ever get annoyed at the blatant ignorance on show ? The non-asians, who have never been near an asian country, telling you about what its like there (lets use China this time, since it applies to you, and to this story)

The Resident Evil series has always portrayed its heroes as 'in over their heads' — never asking for trouble, and always thrust into horrible situations that only got worse. It was only in the last two main games — Resident Evil 5 particularly — that our protagonists felt strong, carrying military-grade weapons and

So... why are they doing this ?

Or do they just enjoy labeling themselves as attention seeking douches that ruin everyones fun ?

1, DC, 2, 3, Code Veronica X, REmake, Zero... none of those were action horror. The Survivor series and Dead Aim, were rail-shooters. Gaiden was a GBC game. The Outbreak games were kinda action horror but very rooted in the original survival horror style.

Thats all of the RE games before RE4.

Its not smart, it was actually quite silly. The main RE series was always about survival horror, and that changed from 5 onwards (with hints of it in 4). The spin-off series should have been the action orientated RE, with the main series staying as the Survival Horror, the genre it helped cement and innovate, the

They aren't just showcasing the graphics, they are also showing off the night and day cycle, the teleporting, the battle system, character changing and actual combat. The only graphical showcasing behind this is them proving to people like us that the video released earlier in the week wasn't pre-rendered.


Looks like the head bars of the bed being used as a bookmark.

Great read, thank you :)

I was braving through the comments, not letting myself leak, but then I saw this GIF .... :'(

Schreier: I wanted to ask about Terra Battle. Here in the U.S., there are a lot of negative connotations to the idea of energy, and having to play more to keep playing a game. Did you anticipate negative reactions at all? I know you've said you don't want people to have to worry about buying energy, but it's still

Don't forget, with remote play, once GTAV is released on the PS4 ... that means GTAV on your Vita.

Oh wow, this is killing me, Was it an official ad ?

This is the first month on PS+ (Europe) in a long time where I will play every game available.

So with simple Math... Microsoft seem like there were undercharging for the XBOne Kinect bundle by $50. However, I remember reading somewhere around the turn of the year (before the Kinectless bundle) that both Sony and Microsoft were making a small profit on every sale. For me anyways, this implies that they are