My mistake with regards the news anchor part, you are bang on about the comedian part.
My mistake with regards the news anchor part, you are bang on about the comedian part.
whoa whoa "news anchor and comedian" ... that is being a bit too kind to what Conan O'Brien is and does.
Why are you holding the Share button down to go into the menu , you only have to press it once to get to the menu.
It's not that I disagree with you. I agree completely, but with the Joker gif, I'm pretty sure he knew he was baiting.
The artwork is seriously bugging me. Its... garish and very unpalatable. They barely even look like their RL counterparts.
Also, as you touched on, one of the most original shows in the history of entertainment being represented in a cheap clone of another popular game. Rubs me up the wrong way.
Just out of curiosity, in your opinion, what exactly is the "target audience" that you reference ?
Are these offers with in game cash or Real Life cash ?
If it is in game, I kinda like it. Adds to the realism of the world they created.
:O Yes !! That's almost exactly what I was picturing, Nintendo based ?
How did ..... <.< maybeh
I really want to get into this series... can anybody recommend where I should start ?
Is it an ongoing story or new with each number. I have seen some people say start with P3. I dont want to start mid story.
I don't understand why Nintendo aren't taking advantage of their 3rd part back catalog more. Why they aren't going to these publishers, and offering to do HD up-scaling of 3rd party games they had on the Gamecube instead of offering download only (this would allow for exclusivity, since Nintendo would be doing the…
pssst <.< best answer is : I did it... for both !!
Thinking about it, it is probably very possible to make previous consoles at this size, from say, PS1/N64 back. Would be awesome tbh. Have your console and a collection of games, on your key-ring. Though the controller and power source could dampen my wild dreams :(
People need to be made aware of this.
I think how they have picked and created each new variation of The Doctor (9-12) have been very much based on what had happened to the previous incarnation. 9th(Hurt) became the warrior, because thats what was needed, 10th (Eccelstone) was the vetern, stern, stoic, closed off, slightly off kilter but incredibly strong…
I had no idea you are a Whovian.
The special was absolutely amazing. My favourite part, by a distance, was the whole. How Moffat created such a wonderful, epic story, that changed so very much of who The Doctor is and has been, without actually having to retcon or change any of the history he has added/created since…
I have never argued that. I in fact, confirmed that very early on. That was never up for discussion. I haven't once claimed that wasn't fact. I haven't stated once which service I prefer. I haven't knocked one service over the other.
Your opinion, is that they are not free games, that they are leased games. You are…
You never actually stated that "how I miss the fact I could just buy a console and pop i a game and not have to work about having to download an update to get what I paid for." So no, no warping your argument, no twisting of your words.
Where, in any of my posts, have I knocked any of the 3 major companies ? (apart from Microsoft dropping their previous console). So, no, no fanboyism. In fact, I didn't even mention you being a fanboy right up until you started calling me one. I have not made one excuse. I have not twisted any facts. You called me a…
That very comment shows your level of "fanboy shit". Regardless of its popularity, or how many copies it sold. It is/was a game, a single, console, game. Not an MMO or a subscription based game, not a FTP with micro-transactions (As a side note. Games on PC are different. They usually have MUCH longer life-spans.) It…