
Wow. Who are these Uber drivers who “wish to maintain their independent status,” rather than wishing for, say, higher pay and health insurance?

Me. This is a second job for me. I like being an independent contractor and the freedom that provides me. If I don’t feel I’m being paid what I should, I don’t have to work

Gee, I wonder if that brief period in the mid 1990s happened to coincide with the flower of your youth? Nah, I’m sure that it’s not just you engaging in the same self-centered wanking that every self-centered wanker has engaged in since the beginning of time, bemoaning the fact that things are the worst they’ve ever

I think we should let Obama stay in office for another 4 years and then have a new primary for both sides. I’m not sure either would win again after knowing what we know now.

Yes. That is one of the only place something like that is acceptable (also any art).

It’s a very serious violation. Pearl clutching is in order.

Literary criticism has been a subject of discussion and publishing since the dawn of writing, and it’s always been heated.

It’s really hard to take a professional writer seriously with stuff like this:

I’m a wizard. I cast spells. Belief spells. Here’s a story I want you to believe. I was fired decades prior because I am a wizard. You will believe this despite the lack of evidence and the lack of legal action I took to remedy such injustice. You will believe me because I told you to.

who else is way too high to deal with this

No, witches are not “kind of de rigeur” in the Boston area. I knew a bunch of shitty Wiccans in college in the early 90's and they infest Salem trying desperately to make it about themselves (it was not) but in my 20+ years here, those are it.

They know you would never hex them because you can’t.

Probably going to be a very unpopular post on here, but haven’t the anthem protests jumped the shark? The only argument I ever hear about why its important is because “its starts/keeps the conversation going”. But this conversation has been non stop since furgueson, and was going on/will continue regardless of what

The article that was too long to read.

Its almost like we shouldn’t count on a sports league to solve a major societal problem? Hmm.

I’ve never been in an abusive relationship but I imagine the horror of it is very similar to how I feel every time I read a Diana Moskovitz think piece. I was in NYC on 9/11 and reading this article was worse. I understand how people jumping out of the burning towers felt.

This is the point I have been saying since Deadspin first reported this case. The deck is clearly stacked against Rose from the jump because his name is out there whereas the accusers name is not. There is no way people are not attaching their own personal prejudices against Rose and there is no way he will ever

Do we finally lean her name? I call shenanigans on being able to put someone through all that anonymously.

Yeah, I know. But did I say Patrick Kane is not a rapist and did not assault a cabbie, or did I say that Patrick Kane is not a rapist? Nice job with the link btw, like you were thinking “maybe this guy really didn’t know about this!!”


I’d like to draw my own conclusions but if the jury (who knows more than I do) says he’s innocent then I have to trust it.