You’re mistake was believing I cared about your personal dislike of Wal-Mart. Try staying on topic if you’re interested in joining the conversation, junior.
You’re mistake was believing I cared about your personal dislike of Wal-Mart. Try staying on topic if you’re interested in joining the conversation, junior.
Thanks for the condescending remark.
Totally. If consumers would just buy locally grown produce at $10 a pound and ethically manufactured denim jeans at $100 a pair, we’d solve our our problems.
Private union gives to politician. Politician gets elected. Infrastructure spending has to be done. Elected politician gives work to members of private union that contributed to campaign. Cost goes out of control, job is shoddy, more work is created. Who suffers?
No thank you.
I’m with you that he could have cooled down / used an editor. And you’re right that it’s just scrolling past, and not the end of the world. But it’s annoying to come to a site to read about sports, and the entire first page is a bunch of articles about whatever stupid thing Trump did that day.
I do declare! You seem to have the vapors!
Yeah, and remember when Bill Clinton raped and sexually harassed all those women, and Hillary attacked these victims as trailer park trash? Then Bill spent all that time on the private island of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein? That’s much better than calling a woman a bitch.
I was once among the poorly-paid support staff at a university. It was a position that required ZERO skill so it wasn’t surprising that it paid almost nothing. The ultimate solution to my cashflow problem was to learn valuable skills instead of waiting around for the university to decide that they should pay me $30 an…
I don’t think Harvard gives a shit about the optics. People aren’t forgoing a Harvard education because a kitchen strike.
If only I could land a job at a downtown San Francisco McDonalds, that should pull at least 150k
Just so we’re clear what Harvard has already offered:
The cafeteria workers currently make $22, and Harvard offered them a raise to $24/hr which they declined. The workers are also unhappy that there are not the same cafeteria full staffing needs during summer break, which is to be expected in a university setting.
There are a zillion good reasons why neither one of these people should be president, but it’s not gonna work on anyone who wants to say shit like “I live in a solidly blue state, so I have the luxury of voting with my conscience and choosing the candidate I think is best fit for the job, and that’s Dr. Stein.”
I like that cut of your jib. You have no idea what you’re actually talking about so you go on the offense telling people who do know that they’re stupid. How very 2016 of you.
I’ve never hoped a player has a career ending injury more in my life. Karma is going to break his Leg so that he has to take a knee all the time.
Waiting for the story on the plaintiff withholding exculpatory evidence. Not exactly holding my breath though.
Doesn’t anyone find the slightest insinuation that Rose has any connection to this problematic? A police officer dies and everyone side-eyes the black man from Englewood on the South Side of Chicago. Cool. Pay no mind to the officer’s other ongoing investigations into violent crime in a major metro area, or the call…
Yeah, it’s a civil case so money is the only issue. I could just as easily call her a money grubbing slut as you called him a rapist. Goes both ways.