
And anyone delusional enough to think she did needs a reality check. Go ahead and give everry single Stein vote to Clinton, even though you can in no way whatsoever demonstrate that all those voters would have gone her way in Stein’s absence. Clinton STILL loses too many swing states to win the election.

Obama had 43% of the white vote. Clinton had about the same amount, with her 42%.

Sorry, when you say he, do you mean Trump? I’m unsure which part of my comment you’re referring to.

All the smug indignation, name calling and shaming of people who were voting for someone other than Clinton really worked magic didn’t it?

I’m not a Trump supporter, but I always try to understand people’s points of view. Below is an article that analyzes what I feel is one of the big reason Trump won, extreme political correctness. One of the best lines from the article: “The left sorted everyone into identity groups and then told the people in

Forgive me for saying so but it seems pretty silly to suggest that 110 million voters were single issue voters and that that issue was “being racist”. It is not adult thinking to paint so large a group with so broad a brush. Trump won over 50% of women. Does that mean most women are mysogynists?

Yep. The notion that voter suppression was the primary factor in why even the 10% -20% of those people who did not vote that would have likely been necessary to flip the election is insane.

I guess nominating someone who is already deeply unpopular just because she’s a woman and ‘it’s her turn’ was pretty stupid in the end, huh?

More like shittiest Democratic presidential candidate ever

You beat me to it. God, the white guilt on this site is insufferable.

“worked her way into extreme privilege.”

In the long history of painfully stretched analogies, you sir have come up with a winner. Great job!

You mean you can’t make up shit about people and libel them. Even for the feminist cause?



She fucking deserves it after what she was put through for no reason other than someone else’s career.

People point to her increased salary as if it’s proof that she wasn’t injured. How do you know she wouldn’t have been making even more had she not been libeled?

Well, it would skim loads of private money for left-wing political organizing. That’s not nothing.

Most Uber drivers like the ability to easily turn whatever pockets of free time they have into some income. They are absolutely independent contractors who work as much or as little as they please. I fail to see how a union would accomplish anything.