
Isn’t one of the million boilerplate responses to the freeze-peach-bots that in situations like these, you have the right to express yourself however you like, but you don’t have the right to be free of consequence for said expression?

This is weird.

No, one person’s say so isn’t enough. It’s depressing how many people think it is or should be.

Sounds like this craptastic behavior isn’t anything new, yet you’ve got a 6 month old with dude here. That makes a lot of sense.

Probably not a whole lot. It’s a violent sport, and shit like that is gonna happen eventually. Life, and the UFC, will go on (well, except for hypothetical dude that dies in the octagon, of course - poor bastard).

That’s kinda awesome.

Damn. CTE really sucks.

Bummer. OSU kinda needed him this year.

Lol. This is kinda awesome in its absurdity.

Would I call a developmentally disabled individual a ‘retard’ as an insult? Hell no.

Oh, the humanity.

Apologies if it’s stated above, but I haven’t finished the entire article yet.


Ouch. Just ouch.

I am shocked someone in this video is fat.

Weird? Yeah. Worth handwringing over? Doesn’t seem like it (it’s a fucking guinea pig), unless the way the actual killing was carried out was cruel.



Are you sure he’s dead this time? Like, double super duper extra sure?