
What happened there?

Chyna not being in the WWE HoF (which is an ‘HoF’ in name only, btw) has little to nothing to do with porn.


As an MSU fan/alum otherwise unconnected to this particular woman, I give a crap about much more than the long-term reputation of the program.

What’s important right now is the impact that a forcible rape has on the long term reputation of the Michigan State basketball program. Thank you for bringing the proper perspective.

But don’t try to tell me that “normal” men don’t ever look at their daughters and think of them as sexual beings, or possible sexual partners.

Is the guy who wrote this particular blog post always this over-the-top? It’s weird.

As caricature, this is brilliant.

Oh, the humanity.

Oh, the humanity.

This is fantastic, sir.

So there’s a misguided individual on the wow forums that believes you were paid by Blizzard to post this. What say you, sir?

i dont do parties. i spend me free time reading and learning about rape culture while you’re out being “a riot at parties.”

because a drugged out woman called in and he repeatedly made fun of her and kept her on the line for a solid 10 minutes of airtime.

So, just so my understanding is clear, you are totally okay with having shitty people on your defense as long as it plays well?

Nice doxxing....

Cause tens and tens of people find her funny. She’s uniquely annoying enough otherwise to stick in other people’s minds.

The picture itself is funny, though, in an absurd kind of way. I’m glad the author seemed to take it that way.

So ODB was scared he was gonna get beat up with baseball bats and was really super upset that he got called a fag. Sounds legit.

I wonder what the thought process of his wife, who is his manager, was when she most likely ok’d this move?