Or here in the Bay Area it would be one saying “I’m a hipster trying to prove something” and the other says “I can’t hear your opinion over the sound of my rear tires boiling.” Either way, I like it.
Or here in the Bay Area it would be one saying “I’m a hipster trying to prove something” and the other says “I can’t hear your opinion over the sound of my rear tires boiling.” Either way, I like it.
Don’t let anyone’s belief that you’re compensating for anything discourage you from driving your mini.
100 = perfect score
Assuming we can look at it in a realistic way, number two is the correct choice because of one particular loophole.
Any chance of it being avalaible on the Pirate Bay????
The New Horizons program cost close to a billion dollars. If you’re going to slink in here and grouse, at least get your decimal points in the right places.
Ha, I remember those National Geographic maps! The Emirati dedication to censorship of all things Israeli was on another level. I still have a children’s plane spotter’s guide I received when I lived there and both the entries for El-Al Airlines and a picture of an IAI Kfir were blacked out.
We can always make more children, lets wear the helmets and let them have the wind in thier hair.
Click bait, this is a used car. Listing said it was used, nowhere is described as new. It is a very low mileage used car with zero warranty.
Oh the number of nights I fell asleep listening to this back and forth, snug in my fart sack, with my M-16 snuggled beside me, and my MOPP gear close at hand. Good times.
Dave Ramsey’s advice is very general and made for people in financial trouble. In general, you probably shouldn’t get $30,000 in debt when you already have previous debt that you can’t pay off realistically. Paying cash for a lesser used car is a good idea in that case.
The people saying that you can just invest that…
False. There are beautiful cars and ugly cars with every generation just like there’s good and bad music. The good gets remembered while the bad is forgotten, creating a false record of things being “better in the past”.
Oppo rules!
I actually know the reason why this is so popular. I’m taking a great risk telling you this and your gawker blackmail dropbox isn’t working so I might need to claim asylum in Miataland but I feel it is my duty to reveal the insidious plot.
Just a point of clarification. They aren’t Rangers. They passed Ranger school and can wear the tab. Rangers are those in Ranger Battalions. Sorry to get picky, but this point needs to be clearly established for those who don’t know the difference.
Resale. Value.