
It’s not all about power. I have an Audi S3. My mother has a Golf 6 GTI. Both suffer from shitty throttle response and lag. The whole “full torque at ~2500rpms” gimmick is utter bullshit. It’ll do it loaded in a high gear going uphill, sure. It will not do it anywhere else.

So, do you work for Subaru or Toyota?

The current Boxster has about the lowest hp/$ of any respectable car in the industry and it’s selling just fine among non-enthusiasts.

“as long as you don’t mind getting battered by the rain at while struggling towards the ton.”

Floyd Mayweather is a lot of terrible things, and because of that, he will never get respect for being a master boxer. This post, whatever it is, is proof of that, as now we have people who clearly know very little about boxing are now determining what makes someone a coward in the ring. He fights

Lotz with a “Z” because Z’s are cool

It’s the Charizard to the Abarth’s Charmeleon. (I had to look that one up, it’s been a while since the late 90s.)

Fun fact. The words “idiot” and “moron” are on a clinical list of terms that was used to indicate mental deficiency. Also on the list?

Who the hell tries to buy a car over text messaging?

Replace Ford GT with Corvette and you got something.

This girl I wanted to bang in HS had one. We tried fooling around in it one night and the roof liner catastrophically collapsed on us before we even got anywhere.

Does anyone else miss the 1990s BMW lineup?

Star-hunters are worse than trolls on Kinja.

Volvo P1800ES

Do any third party warranties cover salvage cars though?

So you’re saying that something like the Agera R would have better throttle response if it was carbureted?

Disagree. Unassisted steering is incredible when it's done right.

Hill sprints are a quick way to get a great work out when you do not have much time. The hard part is when you don't live near a hill (where I grew up the only hills were concrete overpasses). Good post, thanks for sharing!

Haha. Thank you! How’s the Mini?

We were stunned when we ran the numbers. Turns out it really isn’t so huge!