

But the whole point of this article is that he’s not wrong. Yes, the way he’s going about it is as obnoxious as humanly possible... but he’s right, and people are dismissing the fact that he’s right because he’s an insufferable dick. People hated Earl Woods and Richard Williams too, and look how that turned out: they

Different cars are different, not better or worse.

The stock TSLA is broken. It is not obeying any normal valuation you can put on it. It’s currently priced above best case scenario for any timeframe an investor should be looking at. Solar might become profitable, TSLA sells 3 million cars a year, and power companies actually go with Li-ion instead of Flow batteries

I’ve only had my manual 997 for a few days, and while I’ve driven several PDK equipped Porsches previously - and admit they are faster point-to-point - It isn’t ANYWHERE near as fun as throwing a Porsche’s heavy, chunky, smooth, mechanical, beautifully weighted shifter through the gears between bursts of acceleration.

It’s probably not a hard and costly thing to implement in the car. The computers probably can do that already. (They probably just need to add the function and a control). And it certainly helps sell the car. It’s a relatively cheap way to add a feature that will make it look like a more interesting car when a

Nah. Look at what happened to the 997 GT3RS when the 991 GT3 came out. A better car even, at 100K cheaper, yet the 997 RS prices continue to be insane. I think this changes very little when it comes to the Porsche market. Exclusivity has always trumped performance and a gearbox isn’t going to change that. Especially

Oh my goooooooooshhhhhhh, that is pretty.

Actually, he is kind of helping... that is if the dealer is smart about it. They could ask for a signature, and track lost sales due to lack of options or whatever metric you like, and report back to FCA.

There are no less than 15 other series running 911 Cup cars that are substantially similar to what you can buy off the showroom floor. What on earth is the harm in the top level of sports car racing allowing the cars to be the pinnacle of sports car technology without being prototypes. It’s a fairly blurred line, I’ll

You’re aware how much a good one of these is, right? And how good these are? And how much they cost new? It’s weird how everyone around here thinks cars should just cost whatever they happen to be able to afford at the moment...

I don’t see the lift.

I think that’s the problem though - they feel the rearend start to slide out, panic and lift which leads to... lift-throttle oversteer.

I had a poster of a black countach with a wing growing up. When I see one without it, it just looks wrong. Not as wrong as one with a front wing though.

Shit, he was going, like, 30mph at that turn.

From what I hear from my dealer, GT3 RSs and the Boxster Spyder no longer came standard with stripes due to customer complaints. <sigh> The R at least added them as a factory option, whereas motorsport stripes on the GT3s, GT4 and Boxster Spyder are now DIOs in the US.

I am a man who has been raped, and a man who has been beaten so badly I nearly drowned in my own blood (two separate incidents). I still say I do not know what a woman who is raped goes through, just as I would not expect someone who has never had a near death experience to empathize for me rather than with me. And 5

“I for one am sick of dealing with men who choose not to empathize.”

You read a story about a woman and you related to it directly because you are, in all likelihood, a woman. We, men, read that story and we relate to it indirectly through the women who are special to us. Women tell us all the time that we can’t know what it’s like to be women, but we need to try harder to do something

Right now I’m imagining a world where people just accept a young man’s attempt at empathising without ripping him to shreds over semantics. You're the worst.