
Nancy Drew Mysteries were my “cover books”....having a very strict mother Nancy was “approved reading”. I, however, preferred Judy Blume. I would check the Nancy drew books out of the library every week, leave them lying around to make things look good, and have my girlfriend check out the Judy Blume for me to read at

Oh her voice...... not good.....what happened there?

OMG thank you!!!!! I have always hated the smell and most people think I am weird. It smells like smoked cheese stuffed inside day old gym socks that have been baked inside bread with a terrible yeast infection. To me anyway

For my fellow gluten free peeps....Wegmans gluten free boxed Mac and Cheese is pretty amazing as comfort food.

I meant to talk to you about the amount of smut on your facebook page bunnie boo. Skirts above the knees are for vamps and easy girls from below the tracks. See you on mother’s day!

Catholic school, late 1970’s. 6th grade and I developed..really fast and really well. Two boys whom I had been in class with since kindergarten started writing me love notes...mostly about their love of my new breasts....but still. They would buy me little stuff. But I wasn’t really interested because

I didn’t get a cell phone until I was 35..... I’m ancient

Ben also is not old enough to adopt yet......

I think one of those questions should be “would you have sex with Shia Le Beouf...period

I really enjoyed this story. Something tells me that “coming of age” exactly as you did is exactly how it was suppose to happen.

When are we all going to stand up collectively and tell these old fucking white dudes to get the hell out of our reproductive organs? I feel like woman talk about this (and other issues) all the time, yet continue to vote these assholes into office time and again. Or worse don’t vote at all....Here’s an idea or two

Sad part is, due to harsh living conditions, those guys are 25

In high school my best friend got a job at the DQ...for exactly one week. She was fired because she could not get the soft serve into that cone properly no matter how hard she tried. And that little curl on the top of the ice cream...forget it that wasn’t happening.....ever. We still mock her 30 years later :)

What’s with everyone getting “heart” shaped rings....they were very popular in the 80’s...are they making a comeback?

My daughter also has a’s very pretty!

My daughter also chose’s really pretty

That sounds like my dream sex scenario....giant puppets......beds that fly apart.....and now you know too much about me :)

It’s not very flattering in the chest area...and don’t get me started on the shoes....her shtick is getting old.

Sometimes to make myself feel better I imagine what Ann Coulter would have looked like if she was a character in Shallow Hal.....feel free to indulge me people....all day long :)

Pretty sure no one with a Uterus AND a Brian will vote for him.