
I have long hair....I'm 50,,,it looks boss

You’re MOM was CORRECT!

I wore the mid 80” was unheard of...Color...NEON color was in. I didn;t have to worry about anyone having my dress.

I look in the mirror and it's hard for me. I am really thin. I want to look fit and beautiful and sexy, and I can't....

I'm 50 years old and I look in the mirror every morning and say "Thank you mom for the good genes". I look DAMN good for 50 and I don't care what anyone else thinks....

This was also the case in my High School in New Jersey in 1985....and for my daughter in 2007 (same school). You were also banned from bringing "said child" anywhere on school property, for any reason, after the birth. The father's of these children were not affected at all.

You should also know that he has one of the best f'ing voices EVER ! He's ethereal. IMO of course

I'm sorry for your loss...... I truly am

I guess he went in "another" direction....

I like this song, I like this artist, I like this message.....but is anyone else hearing Stevie Wonder's "Overjoyed" in this song???

OMG you're me....right down to the daughter story.....good times good times

Ahhhh I had a very romantic proposal.....he walked into my house and said to my mother "well Mrs., she ain"t knocked up but I'm marrying her anyway" A) jokes on him I WAS and B) we've been blissfully divorced for 22 years now....sorry there's something in my eye.........

The code of the 80's was...pissed at your boyfriend wear the tightests pair of jeans you owned..feeling romantic your easy access sweat pants were a must.

Serious Question....what do you think it would really take to make the Kardasians go away. And not just from just quietly go about living their lives like normal human beings. I mean Kim could still take selfies right? Non famous people who contribute to society take selfies correct? Also can we start a

chakra crystal bowl classes!!!!! They are the most relaxing yet energizing thing I have ever experienced. The quartz the bowl are made of have tones that make your insides vibrate in the best way possible. I try to go once a week and it really helps with my anxiety and stress levels. Plus the people are always so kind

And I would have loved you forever!

When I was younger and a single overworked mother of an overactive 2 year old I had a mortifying public meltdown. My daughter was usually very well behaved but this day she decided to test her new found sense of independence in Macys. She was doing the typical bratty two year old stuff...throwing things...hiding in

Sadly they look very Similar to those "modesty bathing suits" those Duggar girls wear on their "Honeymoon".

In my mother's case, it was her short term memory that was affected. I constantly had issues with Doctors and Nurses thinking nothing was wrong with her because they would ask the same questions "whose the President....what Month/Year is you know who that family member is? Then they would say..she seems

I'm home sick in bed..and have taken some medication....but I swear Willow's statement makes sense to me!