
I think she is taking out pin curls...

Was coming here to post this! So awesome

I see they are starting to think outside the box regarding the punishment placed on woman who are sexually active/use birth control. I fully expected slut shaming but damn someone put some thought into this one.

I had hair like Howard Jones....and I'm a girl

I seriously just asked myself...out loud...."Has anyone EVER loved themselves as much as these two people?" Sadly I answered myself with a resounding NO. FU Kimye you have me talking AND answering myself.

Something tells me that is NOT the first time she's done that..... wink wink

Unfortunately Fox considers O'Reilly "an entertainer" not a serious journalist so we will not be held to the same standards as Brian Williams.

I think the physical demands of the show sometimes contribute to the "limited engagement thing" There is no understudy and no intermission...and back to back shows on Friday and Saturday nights if I'm not mistaken.

I'm not on board with this....saw NPH and was lucky enough to see JCM the first time around at Jane Street. Darrin Chris is too young.....I don't think he had the weariness to play Hedwig yet.

I will see what I can find for you at home..I am at work right now unfortunately,. I know that my brothers disease can be triggered by measles, chicken pox and other obscure viruses.

Thank you. I will hug him and he IS amazing. And I will fight with my last dying breath on this issue, until people begin to look beyond their own selfish wants and consider the greater good. Hard task, I know.

We all do, and he has tried to talk to anti-vaxxers who can physically SEE the results of not having the vaccine available and it is lost on the majority of them. Their rights trump the rights of millions of children and their parents it seems

Back in the 1950's my brother who was 7 and my sister who was 5 contracted the measles. My sister ran the course and was healthy again within a few weeks. My brother was not so lucky. He began to develop calcium deposits all over his body. Those deposits eventually also attacked his organs. His muscles began to be

  1. Elizabeth Báthory, the blood countess

I just saw your screen name....My mother's name was Gladys and all her hospice nurses called her "Happy Bottom". She passed away a few weeks ago and although a little teary right now the sight of that name is making me smile. So thank you for that!

I'm pretty sure I read in an article that whole Travolta clan keeps "vampire hours" and have been doing so for years. It seems like a popular Scientologist thing to do.

So when people thought Adam Levine and the band crashed weddings they were "extremely rude and self absorbed and ruined couples special day but when we find out that they really didn't do that and everything was staged it's still an issue. I guess I never fully understood the Adam Levine hate that is a constant on

Look at his eyes.....his sad sad eyes.....I love seals!!!!

Back in the 70's, my catholic congregation went through a phase where " charismatic interpretative dance" was all the rage. The women wore white robes and danced barefoot on the alter. This looks very similar to that. The "olds" in the church hated it big time and it was always a topic of conversation at the diner

I saw NPH the spring and he was awesome, but this, THIS is the best news ever! Hedheads unite!