Going to finally try to make some headway into Tyranny in between my MMO grinding.
The sense of joy and accomplishment I got in that game by pausing it just right when the grenade blew up is one of my happy childhood memories about this game. I think i read about the glitch in an article in Nintendo Power. LOL the good old days.
You forgot something pretty major...
The Day After Tomorrow
Bachelor Party is still, IMO, his funniest movie
As a lifelong Denver fan, I want to know how everyone can justify wanting Romo in Denver. QB is not the problem here, not the main one anyway. The problem is that our O-Line cant stop a 2 week old puppy from cavorting his way past them to the quarterback... now you want to add a man in backfield that is arguably the…
Shirley, you know that he wasnt calling you Saly
I know EXACTLY what you mean
The 200th episode of SG1 had a filmmaker in the SG universe taking footage of the SG teams to use as a basis for his show that was basically a stylized cheesy version of SG1. It was a bit meta... but during the episode Claudia Black’s character kept pitching other show ideas to him and he kept shooting her down.
Yes, he isn’t “literally” Hitler. He is, however, mirroring Hitler’s rise to power in Germany pretty effectively. A groundswell of hate speech, nationalism, loud boisterous speeches, and isolationist/xenophobic policies are what he has currently brought to the table... sounds an awful lot like Hitler’s rise to…
one of the hardest gut punches I ever took from a show was the episode “The Body”.
ok, I will admit I never read these particular comics, but what the LIVING FUCK is going on with Yondu’s head-crystal thing?
no matter how many times I watch it, the scene with the bomb from the previous trailer makes me laugh.
Had to post it... not only does it have some great farscape swearing in it, I just love the scene so much.
Yotz is more like someone saying “oh, shit”
“There are kids in the neighborhood,” he said. “Why do we have to subject them to that?”