
Rick and Morty, on occasion, is a very angry cartoon :)

Did that once... slid off the hood, planted my feet, car hit me, I did a backflip and landed hard on my back on the blacktop. good times

I will see your “Friend standing out the sunroof at 60" story and raise you “Wearing a paintball mask, with a cop behind me, who proceeded to pull me over, yell at me, and tell me that if anyone ever did that again I should grab their ankles and toss them the rest of the way out.” Good times :)

you get ALL the internets for that one.

not to mention the birther nonsense that overlord dumpf was front and center for...

Yes, nobody is calling into question that he holds the office. People are talking about the manner in which he obtained the office, and the “work” that he has done since stepping behind the desk. Considering all the laws he has broken in the three weeks since he took office, I would wager that MANY people are

in what way is Knock Knock a sci-fi/fantasy movie?

He wouldnt publicly welcome them... he would just scream FAKE NEWS at anyone who reported anything about them, and repeatedly state that there was no Russian occupation of US sovereign territory... period.

is anyone else extremely concerned that this all is a prelude to a Red Dawn type situation?

Soy sauce you say?

If someone asks me for my passwords, I will ask for their passwords. If they want to see everything I say, I want to see everything that they say.

when they pulled it to within 2 scores I read the writing on the wall... Sent out a text saying “When they pull this off, their fans will NEVER shut up about it.” For every self-satisfied Patriots fan out there I have one question... the same question that I, an avid Broncos fan, have gotten from you guys all

-Douglas Adams, Restaurant at the End of the Universe

Remember, trump believes in “Alternative Facts”... basically anything that comes into his head is automatically true and incontrovertible. 

so do most of the people who DONT live near the border. what a fucking dumb thing to do... and because he CANT POSSIBLY be wrong about ANYTHING, of COURSE Dumbass-in-chief is still assuring the American Taxpayers that Mexico will repay any money spent.

theoretically, a laser COULD be used as some kind of energy transfer medium...

If you actually think he knows or cares where corn comes from you are deluded.

“We should follow the non-divisive lead of the American president, whose campaign did not at all engage in fear, smear, and division”