Tracer Fett
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KingOfRandom. He posts cool projects of a science/engineering persuasion, and he doesn't treat people like they are complete fools about safety even in today's litigious society. He's got some fun and useful DIY projects that usually run on the less expensive side.


Based on the headline and the picture, I thought this article was about getting gas cheaper. I was disappointed when I read the article.

"The same goes for accommodation which I prefer quirky, authentic and..."

That's reductionist bullshit. "The poor are poor because they lack the attitude to get rich".

I guess it might also make you have to go to the bathroom, so you'll want to get out of there a little quicker.

The current boom in programming jobs has all the symptoms of a bubble. Don't choose a career based purely on what you'll be paid. If you love the challenges of being a programmer and genuinely enjoy the work, have at it, but being a programmer just because you wanna make bank, bro is an incredibly dumb and…

Thanks for handling the (much-needed) correction so efficiently and so graciously, Whitson. It bodes well for Skillet, so colour me impressed.

Thanks for the information. You learn something new every day! I've updated the post with this in mind. Sorry for our mistake!

I wouldn't pour a "Black and Tan" for St. Patrick's Day under any circumstances, and certainly not in any place with serious Irish heritage (Boston, New York...)

What? Half and Half isn't Half and Half?

I use a "not good" server and it's fantastic. I installed linux on an HP Home server that runs a dual core Atom 1.5ghz and has 4gb ram but 4 4tb hard drives then installed Plex server.

But honestly only do it on a Raspberry Pi 2. I have been trying forever to get the RasPi to be useable with XBMC, and it just was far too under powered to get anything but klunky.

Great video! I love this guy's no nonsense style. He shows how to do incredibly dangerous things and expects us not to be idiots.

As it should be.

This is a great point for people in those states—however, "most" is incorrect. About half of US states pay sales tax on Amazon (and five states don't have sales tax at all). According to the Wall Street Journal, 69% of Americans DO pay sales tax on Amazon, which is a pretty significant majority.

sure there are. just watch any news channel or read anything on the internet.

be careful that you're not only listening to seagulls in a single network. a bunch of people encouraging each other to do the same thing is mostly a way to feel more assured.

"try a new technique or style of cooking without breaking the bank on specialized equipment."

There are people who don't let temperature keep them from the things they love. Gotta eat all year; no sense in depriving yourself of delicious smoked meats just because you have to wear a coat.