Tracer Fett

My advice? If you leave the safety and comfort of your own home's privacy, ASSUME someone is watching you.

Ketchup covered flies sounds excellent! What are you talking about?! :-P

Lawl, 'God to Know' link at bottom of article! w00t

Item 1 - Air

I've had this happen to my van several times... God I love being absent minded when leaving my car.

Thank you for clarifying that.

I read LH when I need a good pick-me-up :-) Comments made by people like @Alan Henry crack me up!

Thanks but no thanks. WOT rates it pretty poor (although it doesn't have a LOT of ratings). It appears as though once you link your facebook, it spams your contact list with invites to use their service.

I have to say this is my FAVORITE LH post to date! I've been using this trick for years, but the laughing fit I just endured after reading the title of this article was epic!

I didn't bother reading this article. Why? Um... Because "REPLY TO ALL" seems pretty straight forward if you ask me. Is it not obvious that this feature SHOULD NOT BE USED if you're just trying to reply to the original sender? Is it not obvious that it SHOULD be used if your reply SHOULD be sent to everyone? C'mon...

two please!

Where's the / Functionality on LH?...


I would totally love one!

Emphasis on "Cheat" ... Obviously the above mentioned things can be considered dishonorable, but it's not like they're tricking you into thinking it's not. The title of the article clearly sets the stage for questionable tactics. LH's class has nothing to do with it. I mean, they did host #Evilweek

I'll remember that next time I stop by your office and decide to peruse your fridge ;)

Heh, what's the point Facebook? Google+ is just around the corner, and it's seamless video-conferencing abilities through "Hang outs" are vastly superior to this. Give up now and bow down to the ever mighty Google!

I have to agree... I used to praise myself for being such a selfless and caring person. But day after day of being nice and getting little or nothing in return wears down on you... And now I find myself struggling to keep from biting someone's head off over the simplest of things... BLAH!

Thanks for the tip! I've only ever avoided hammocks because I always thought they were bad for your back (I have horrible posture) but knowing this makes me really want to get one now.

Couldn't you just mod this a little bit? Maybe take and wrap the inside edge of the pot from top to bottom with the sponge and t-shirt combo, then have a few drops for the shirt to pull up water. This would keep all layers moist rather than just the bottom.