Friends would have been a lot better had they attended a Cannibal Corpse concert.
Friends would have been a lot better had they attended a Cannibal Corpse concert.
Truth is most of them probably have families and mortgages and the job market is so soft that they needed this job again.
Bad, but I dunno about worst. The word KIA in block letters was _never_ a good logo.
A few years back I was shopping trucks and - like many - appalled at the pricing of Ram, Ford and the rest of the bunch.
Some researchers and advocates have argued that automakers should push customers to understand that they don’t need a long-range electric vehicle with a big battery to meet their daily needs.
You’re lucky you never had the problem my ‘97 ZR2 had - the “Dexcool” problem. That stuff gummed up notoriously in the 4.3L and cost a several hundred dollar flush to get it out.
This also serves as yet another argument for EVs. Gas stations are statistically the most likely place for most of us to become victims of a random violent crime...
How can something be “sleek” and not hide its windshield wiper below the hood line like every other modern car? And does it not even HAVE a right side wiper? That one doesn’t look big enough to clear the whole windshield.
What I want to know? How well have the Swedes kept Chinese spyware out of the system.
Simply riding a motorcycle makes you a better driver, in _most_ cases. MSF or no MSF.
I agree it’s ‘silly’, but it’s also that the $1000 is a sunk cost.
You already spent it. It’s gone.
So now the question is, “Does this thing I have make me more than 300 dollars?” (And it’s probably more like 400 because of residuals....)
If the answer is ‘no’ - they are going to lock it in the vault and take the 300…
Gotta start somewhere.
In my home state - Washington - a right turn is allowed on a red light when it is safe to do so.
Jalops really need to drop this idea that manuals are superior. Even the super cars of the world have switched to computer controlled automatics that handle the car FAR better than any human could....
I realize it’s probably not a popular opinion, but I really dislike the Progress Pride flag. Frankly, it’s just kind of ugly when compared to the Gilbert Baker flag - brown, black and pastels clash with the otherwise bright, cheery colors and the chevrons just disrupt the nice, simple flow.
In 1990 I took my entire paycheck from McD’s and bought a Discman, a tape adapter so I could plug it into my car stereo and two used CD’s. One was Rattle and Hum. I don’t remember what the other one was because it made nowhere near the same impression.
You forgot, “Give it the worst grille in the industry” in your list of instructions.
2015 Subaru Forester - worst quality leather I’ve ever seen. Both the steering wheel and drivers seat started to crack within 4 years.
Really?!?? Did something change in the last 7 years? ‘Cause that’s when I pulled up to a Harley dealership on my Honda CB and they _literally_ wouldn’t talk to me.