
I was wondering if this was the eventual outcome of this story. People who take shortcuts and lie rarely do it once. 

AUs are starting to become rampant, too, sometimes coding Connor with trans identity, autism spectrum, etc., written by people who actually are trans, have autism, etc. Other one note characters David Cage ignored are also starting to be expanded with far better, more interesting character studies. This game’s fans

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There’s very few LPs I ever return to when I’m feeling low, but if you ever want to see someone wholly and entirely love a fucking weird ass game, look up supergreatfriend’s 100% run of Deadly Premonition. There’s something heartening about seeing someone connect so hard with a game I know a lot of people were sort

I am consistently fascinating about how rabidly angry The Sims fandom is. Literally nothing makes them happy from what I’ve seen.

Is ESO still considered a failure? I’ve heard it earned good graces back lately by heavily improving the gameplay. Still don’t really care for ES enough to have gotten into it, but I’m hoping they take all their early mistakes and make sure Fallout 76 doesn’t have them (if this is in the MMO vein)

Yes, yes, yes, I feel this post deeply. I recently joined a new group and we’re in the initial planning stages. I’m always a ‘filler’ - someone who waits to see what we need - and with a group of squishies and one melee, I settled on finally pulling out a paladin. I’ve been itching to make an Ancients oath paladin for

My answer to this (I am a lady gamer, if you’re curious...):

Who did they lie about? Also, I really fucking hate every person who thinks stuff like that is funny. :/

I feel like the XIV one was a rare ‘it was funny to begin with, and then they somehow made it funnier’

Yeah, this was a good video. Echoed my own thought of being conflicted as we move into this wave of calling out bad people. So many people work on putting creative works to life, it’s a damn shame they get pulled into this when something like this happened.

Also arguably one of the most destructive of FF’s bad guys. Like, literally brought upon an apocalyptic event.

Ah, Kefka. Still legitimately one of my favorite FF villains. What a douche.

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Okay, but can my monk suplex the ghost train, that’s the real question.

I don’t know if it necessarily is just ‘don’t take pictures of a dead body’ so much as they have pretty strict privacy laws. From an article: “At the other end of the spectrum, focusing on certain individuals’ behavior, tracking them and recording them for a considerable length of time might cause legal problems.”

This is why I said, I have no actual hope Youtube is going to do a damn thing and why I assume once this washes over in a month or two he’ll be back to being a jackass with no repercussions. It’s just depressing as fuck, honestly.

This video had like 600k likes before it was taken down. This will barely affect him unless Youtube actually gets off its ass and does something.

God, I fucking loved this terrible, ridiculous, awful movie. I really need to rewatch it now that I actually play D&D. Somehow, I feel like it’ll only get funnier for me.

I liked this game a lot, and played the hell out of it, but...yeah, with you on Zelda. I feel like the Zelda series is to me what Okami is to Tim over here. I get excited and buy it and a few hours in I remember, wait, I have never beaten one of these games, and there’s a reason for that.

Well sure, it’s subjective, as I was replying to someone who was surprised Sailor Moon/DBZ isn’t being considered the gateway anime for people, and I explained why Pokemon was first for me (the USA network even back then wasn’t known for cartoons, so it sounds like I was even late to that train with SM). So yeah,

Pokemon was way more easy to access than the ones you mentioned. Literally at least in my area (NJ), we didn’t get any Cartoon Network for a looong time (I was in HS when it finally was picked up on Cablevision), so I didn’t see Sailor Moon (which probably would’ve been my gateway otherwise, AB I was too young for)