
I hope you do this again, I am VERY curious if your opinion of the twins will change (they went - especially Alisaie - from my least favorite to my most favorite of the gang lmao)

Gamecube by far, tbh. I can maybe list 5-7 games off the top of my head I really liked. Also, the thing was unwieldy and I still hate the controller, lmao.

Oh my god I can’t believe they made a game for me, especially. Any time I think I left the Peggle life behind me, I get dragged back into the gameplay.

Back in its prime, it was one of the best free browser games/websites for kids and while there were probably scammy things (sort of like ads in apps aimed for kids now), it really was a fairly safe to be on. The original owners were lovely people. Then the business started trading hands. One of those hands were

I got bored a few years ago when I had an extended illness and on a whim, I hopped into my account (which is now something like 17-18 years old at this point). I hope they revamp their website because it ran like balls back then and I hear it’s only gotten worse since then. Not really helpful trying to revitalize the

I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels weird about their boosted character. Every boosted character has pretty much languished for me. Leveling up properly allows you to get used to the actual playstyle too, so I would boost a class I didn’t have and then not know how to play it because I never learned the initial

Please Knock on My Door is a game that kind of haunts me to this day and I think I’ve seen it on exactly one best of the year it came out list and the only people I know who have played it were people I suggested it to. I doubt it’s even AA indie, but YOLO.

I think I ended up being between crafts and self-care, but leaned toward crafts more because I like having more things to level up in. And the spa day was kinda a self-care pack. This set of Stuff ideas was pretty good this time around though, I don’t think there was any I was super ‘meh’ about.

As much as I’m hoping people put their feet to the fire somehow, I will point out something important about this: this is exactly how they did Q&A last year to my understanding and this isn’t specifically in response to potential HK backlash. They’re probably very glad they’ve been doing it this way, however, now more

Okay, but that article is just about the announcement, this one is a review of said update and showing it off and what it can do. Two different articles, friendo.

Can confirm FFXIV continues to be my best MMO experience. I can count my bad experiences on one hand (I am female and queer, which seems important to note in a post like this), where there’s not enough hands for the shit I had to endure in WoW. 

The thing about 76 though is the game at least isn’t tied to co-op play. You can wander around by yourself and still be able to experience the game for the most part. Having played both in short bursts on free betas/trials, I enjoyed my time in 76 far more than I ever did in Anthem.

I so badly hope this is the general mood of the sequel because I am getting massive Majora’s Mask vibes and am always here for the darker Zelda entries.

I highly rec CR. Even if you just start with series 2 if you don’t want to catch up on the entire backlog. Callisto 6 is a good TTRPG show too, especially if you like superheroes and would like to see people playing a different system. :) They’re my favorite, personally.

Yeah, I’m up in the air about her right now only because I feel like Heidi seems to have said some worrisome things about her and I’m not entirely sure if it’s just out of fury over her going behind her back with her husband or not (I mean, I’m sure it’s partially that, but You Know). Either way, I can see WotC not

Next week is WotC’s huge Live weekend and I know DCA was going to have a live show so I am sure they’re currently swearing A Lot too. It’s probably easy enough to replace them in that one game they were going to play the new content, but it’s a whole other story about the live show.

I remember coming across his normal tumblr and just getting an immediate creep vibe from what I was seeing him saying to people. I noped out of there and was sadly unsurprised to hear there’s allegations now that he wasn’t just getting nudes from fellow adults.

That awkward moment when KOTOR offered the ability to be female or male in 2003 and here we are stuck with one dude in this game in 2019.

A part of me feels bad for the kid but god, I also kind of feel like this better have been out of pocket because this was highly preventable. Maybe if there is real monetary consequences for these idiots if their kid gets these easily preventable diseases, they’d think twice.

I was thinking the same thing. Not even out of any sort of generous gesture, but he’s no use to Nintendo is he’s dead from overworking himself (Boy, that sounds cold, but I’m thinking like a corporation, here).