
LOL, the dark Pokemon in general are as fucked up as the ghosts. Like Houndoom, who apparently causes burns that never stop hurting. Ever. Because of the toxins.

Near the end, does someone on the stream give this shitbag money after watching him do this??? Because that’d just be the cherry on top of this fucked up shit.

I continue to appreciate how Sun/Moon kicked up the grimdark up 18 notches with their entries, man. I always thought Parasect was creepy, but this generation made multiple gen 1 pokemon way creepier. Gengar’s new one is still my favorite, and the suggestion it makes is fantastically shudder-worthy:

Hells yeah, Cubone and Marowak are the best. The new Alolan form of Marowak was my favorite addition too.

The delay thing boggles my mind especially. Have seen people have meltdowns over things getting pushed a few months in comment sections where the dev announced it (and the reasons why they had to work on it longer). Meanwhile, my immediate response is just assuming they need time to make an extra polished game, and

And that’s for sure the other issue, though. Ace representation in major media is either seen as not a thing that doesn’t exist or a joke at the expense of the ace person. Kind of like how we had gay or trans characters in media before but they were all stereotypical at best, and nuance is only just starting to be

I’d watch a doc on this faster than one on the actual mod, honestly. They should jump on this bizarre opportunity that has presented itself.

I never heard of this game until supergreatfriend started LPing it recently. What a weird ass game, man.

I mean, you call it pointless, but a good, vibrant part of the OW community basically lives and breathes this lore and enjoys making theories and other fan content, and it’s making them a shitload of money. I have never been interested in any shooter until this game, and it’s literally because of how it continues to

My favorite part of this short was being the smug nerd watching people initially assume this was going to be cute on twitter/periscope because it’s Mei, because they clearly have never read her lore lmfao.

I was thinking the same thing and just felt the wave of depression all over again. Hoo boy. What a clusterfuck.

Seems like people in this situation need to gather everything, make sure alternate plans are set, and take the leap to do what makes them happy. Sure, people will drop off a bit, but it’s depressing seeing any creator begging his fans to ‘let him’ do stuff he wants to do.

I mean, it’s actually a good thing to ponder, because bowing is a very passive thing where you can be pretty aggressive when you hand shake. Who knows.

I legitimately agree with this. For me, it’s mostly because handshaking means touching people who may or may not be gross with their sanitary stuff (you never know who doesn’t wash their hands and it’s basically required in polite/business settings especially. :( ). Yuck. Bowing you don’t need to worry about stuff

Agreed, in fact there’s /proof/ he wouldn’t give a fuck about wearing his hat to a fancy thing. See: this panel where he is clearly with his hat at a very official looking ceremony.

Now playing

I feel deeply vindicated. FF9 ties with FF6 in my head for all time favorites in the series, but FF6 gets the proper amount of love while FF9 was largely ignored for a long time.

That’s all I know I need it to do so I can finally play it. I KNOW IT’S GOOD LET ME PLAY IT GAME.

It...makes me sad you assume I don’t want to listen to you because our opinions don’t match???? I disagree with you, sure, but I’m not going to go into a frothing rage and decide things. I always hope to try to convey the fact that while I think about this stuff /a lot/ now, I’m not out there screaming it at the top

Now playing

Gonna admit it, I may have referenced it just to see if anyone even recognized it. ;) I’m glad the internet exists so I know I am not the only one that had bizarre games in their lives, hah (seriously tho, who decided ‘let’s have him throw his limbs!’ would be a good idea for a game, LOL).

A+ for getting the reference, we are both fricking old. ;)