*turns on HBO right now to wait for the john oliver segment about this on sunday*
Housing is expensive, lots of people live with their families. Also, there’s a difference between being an adult that shares a house with a parent and being someone who lives at home with a parent doing their laundry, cooking for them, etc (none of this applies to someone with a disability, of course).
I have chosen to live with my parents and I’m 32. I can't afford to live on my own, and I want to travel and travel and travel. So welcome to the club ;)
At 33, I am contemplating moving back in with my mother for a year to save enough money to buy a house. I am letting go of the man is going to swoop in and save me plan and moving ahead with the plan to be a home owning adult on my own. With my mom. Weeeee living with your parents in your 30s, I feel so alive. Hey…
Quickie Update: I had my surgery on Tuesday. They got out all the cancer! My vitals are excellent. My body is healing well. So that’s good news. I might have to do chemo but we still don’t know yet. I do know that if we decide to do it, it’ll be after allowing me to recovery fully from surgery.
i love when people catch up on things like the wire, and realize “OH wait, EVERYONE on the planet was not lying to me, the Wire is, in fact, very good” (I just experienced this with the sopranos a few months ago)
Since numerous allegations of sexual assault have come forth against Bill Cosby over the past year, fans of The…
Flounder = Floundah
I became friends with a lady who tried to convince me SATC was better. I stopped being her friend.
“Big Momma don’t eat everybody’s potato salad”
Not at all. From experience, think mini-family reunion with grilling. The host/s are family, but friends are invited. Usually held at a park with room for sports and a gazebo. The music selections listed above are correct, but my folks end up on Go-G0, not gospel. If you come late enough, you might not be expected to…
She also had one of the funniest scenes. When she stayed up for days writing her book. And goes delirious. she believes she is a literary genius. And she sees a bag full of egg yokes on the counter “I... see little balls of sunshine in a bag!” The whole scene is gold.
One of my favorites was a two-parter where Dorothy is eventually diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue. Back then, no one knew what things like CFS and Fibromyalgia were, and often people with weakness, fatigue, and pain who didn’t test positive for any known illness were just ignored or labeled “hypochrondriacs.” Or, worse,…
I’m watching Community now and I don’t think I’ve ever consistently laughed out loud more than with this show. I can’t believe I waited so long to see it.
The Golden Girls, a sitcom that aired on NBC from 1985 to 1992, is currently on American television—specifically the…
What do YOU mean, you guys?
One time, I went to a co-worker named Tom’s barbecue and brought a pasta salad. He looked at me like I had shit in the middle of his living room.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... Ginger Minj was the one who was robbed! Am I living in an alternate universe over here??
Is she Dolezaling us?