Has anyone watched Bloodline? If you haven't and you have Netflix, go do it NOW!
Has anyone watched Bloodline? If you haven't and you have Netflix, go do it NOW!
I struggle to get mine anywhere near reasonable, when it was still really low in the summer was when the doctor started telling me a little sun would do me good. I’ve heard that everyone where I live generally has some level of deficiency as it is mostly cloudy here even during the warm parts of the year.
It's free though for vegetarians to read.
My mom uses mayonnaise - avocados and mayonnaise. What’s particularly odd about it is that I grew up in California and she and my dad were aficionados of authentic mexican food.
Alyssa is truly one of those funny people you would watch shopping at target. (see also Miss Coco Peru)
Hallelu for Snatch Game! This episode never disappoints because even if the queens are terrible it's still gonna be a hell of a show. Nobody can come close to Jinkx Monsoon as Little Edie or Adore Delano as Anna Nicole, but it was still hilarical and Michael and Tamar were ideal guest judges.
You should watch Alyssa's reaction to Violet doing her. They put it up on WoWPresents as a special edition of Alyssa's Secret. If I wasn't already on the floor I would have fallen out.
I read this article slowly and with relish ( not real relish, figurative relish). I have always wanted to know what the Vanderpump restaurants are like for the average diner. I feel like I died and went to heaven!
I dunno. I'm team Lisa R. the whole way. OK, she eventually got angry but Kim is some astronomically unpredictable form of crazy. She said stuff about Lisa's husband - who, let's be honest, has about the highest profile of anyone associated with that show - and mentioned the kids, she really went crazy, all because…
The best RH shame sprint from a vacation dinner still goes to Tamra in...wherever the fuck they went last year on the OC.
Scratch old and white off that and you are right. I left the bar with friends the other night partly because I was sick of the boys touching my fucking face. What the hell?
Was she inexplicably telling Katie that her relationship with Stassi is over?
Writing as I read because I have SO MANY FEELINGS about this.
This reaffirms my belief that old white men do not fucking understand the concept of personal space.
It is with both pride and slight dejection that I admit to having watched every single episode of the Real…
Totally. I listen to that song regularly and it always makes me think of it. Gives me chills!
I'm very troubled by this immediate "Jessie as love interest for Rick! Finally!!!!" When Michonne has been there and had some very intimate moments with Rick ever since the prison. That seems like a very obvious and intense hook up (although maybe not for the same reasons you don't see Carol and Daryl hooking up),…