My governor's estranged wife made $100,000 working from home and you can too!
My governor's estranged wife made $100,000 working from home and you can too!
I'll be 38. And my uterus is arcuate.
I'm so angry the name Harper has become an it thing just as I reach child bearing peak. It's a family name and I always thought about naming my daughter that if I had one. Now I'd look like a Beckham fan. Of course, I don't want kids and have been pathetically single for years and years so it's a non-issue, but still.
This April, Tori Amos—patron saint of '90s female self-actualization—is reissuing Little Earthquakes and Under the…
I don't see the picture . I want Toms picture dammit!
Make gloves. They were hideous and ill-fitting.
After watching this trailer, I realized just how much I want all movies to aspire to be "the best acted, coolest looking Lifetime movie ever made." YASSS.
Wow, I think maybe you all just have a different sense of humor and I'm pretty disappointed that everyone's panties are in a bunch. Nobody is off the table. She's a comedian and, honestly, if that's all you've got to bitch about after filling the shoes of one of the most dynamic woman comedians of our time then I…
I fucking hate my husband. Hate him. Hate his character. He is a misogonyst, racist, power hunger asshole training to be a cop of all people. I'm so scared of how he is going to be with a gun in his hands. He keeps saying, "I'll get training, I'll get training," but they can't train his lack of impulse control out of…
L O L, that makes me laugh every time. So does 'I actually use Mail chimp.'
The way he fingered the scratch marks in his apartment that very first episode made me think he's some sort of Dexter style killer
"Calm down and then we'll leave." WUT?
fiona apple thread?
omg, remember the boiled bacon....
It just slithered off the screen and on to my desk.
I think the show actually does a good job of showing the complexity of the position the character is in. Like you said, Dre was mad that he was put in charge of the "Urban" division but his wife quickly pointed out that if he they hadn't chosen him, or had chosen a white employee instead he would be upset.