
The POLICY of “the current maniac” and the POLICY of the Bill Clinton administration are eerily similar to those of us who still study and espouse history. Which is why supporters of said “maniac” look at all of the hate on the left for him and at first wondered why and now just shrug and say “far left ideology.”

Nope, has nothing to do with that. Some of us don’t like the current leadership but are able to converse in a method that isn’t “YOU SUPPORT ICE AND ENFORCING IMMIGRATION LAWS? OMG YOU RACIST NAZI

It’s because Jalopnik, like the rest of this site, has unfortunately slid down into being political mouthpiece for extreme left views. Happened to the rest, jalop was just the last holdout

At this point I think GM could give all of you a billion dollars each and you’d find a way to shit on them for it. It would seem that Jalopnik has a culture problem when it comes to GM. They’ve been making big improvements all over the place and are by far the most focused on electrification of all the major

Some people have functioning imaginations.

4 percent.

SSSHhhhh. You aren’t allowed to use that sort of reasonable logic. 

Why not? A fully-loaded Yukon Denali is $86K. A Ford Expedition Platinum is $82K. And neither have nearly as much tech and luxury on display as this concept.

they could just be switching all their lineups over to simpler, less luxurious EV designs right this moment.

You think this is limited to GOP? You haven’t been paying attention.

This guy approves.

Now playing

...who crossed state lines to essentially go shoot people for fun.

Yeah I'm not looking forward to 4 more years of the Democrats stymied attempts to stop Trump and continued attempts to impeach a lawfully elected president. And blaming him for getting nothing done.

Counterpoint: The reason why the traditional theater business was on the ropes even before COVID is that there are only so many times you can remake the same superhero movie before people stop showing up to see it. 

At this point it’s important to underline how badly the American auto industry was doing in that era. Chrysler, specifically, was dishing out very lame and not particularly good cars. Things like the Neon, the Intreprid, the 300M, the Sebring or the Caravan; all vehicles (except for perhaps the Caravan) that weren’t

Know what’s the biggest disappointment of the Prowler?

All of the negative press it got.

The Prowler was essentially a mass-produced street rod. If you were disappointed by its performance, don’t ever drive a real street rod. The fastest ones perform well only in a straight line, until you need to stop. They are built to cruise and be noticed, which the Prowler did well.

Jalopnik writer when they see a underpowered, weird, limited edition and unreliable car only available overseas:

The union line employees are being permitted to “opt-out” of going to work because of the pandemic. Normally, an employee would be terminated for refusing to show for work when the plant is open and there is no strike. So the employees are being extended a reasonable, fair and expected courtesy due to the pandemic.

No, actually its Belgian-owned.