
Vandalizing with BLM tags is OK, with ALM it is a crime ! Crazy ...

serious question — would they still have called it “Vandalized” if someone spray painted “Black Lives Matter”?

because its not as bad as the media is making it out to be. 99.98% survival rate. Oh man, im so scared...

Just got back from Idaho. Noone wearing mask, noone freaking out. everything completely fine. No mass graves.

Based on these comments people here think if you get the coronavirus you will definitely die. So yay media, good job, lol. Got ‘em scared and completely unaware of what is actually happening. Hint- some people do die - they have specific known risk factors such as age and obesity. The rest of us have almost zero

Yawn.... played out “joke” is played out.  People like what they like, stop thinking about other guys junk so much. 

Are you living in 2005?  The 8 speed transmission in the Ram is one of the highest rated transmissions in the market... The interior BLOWS AWAY any offering from Ford or GM too. 

You mean the people in the 8,000 jobs created by SpaceX in the United States? Just like the 48,000 American jobs created by Tesla or 21,000 by Paypal? These companies didn’t spontaneously exist.

“no, applauding this insane concentration of wealth and income disparity just because you like what rich guy does is bootlicking.”

Anyone who makes more than Justin didn’t earn it.

No kidding.


Any opinion other than disgust is boot licking. Apparently.

Acknowledging that creating three highly successful companies will make someone filthy rich, is boot licking?

“Elon Musk is now the fourth-richest person in the world. You hate to see it.”

I’m not here to defend Musk; he seems like a douche and is too rich.  That being said, your statements seem to infer you think he has $8 billion just sitting in the bank...

vinegar-based potato salad

Sie werden in kürzester Zeit in einem Van unten am Fluss wohnen!

California doesn’t need his help to demonize themselves. 

Do the Big 3 prefer to develop talent internally or seek it from other markets? It appears they heavily prefer to develop internally, so there will always be an apparent brain drain and image of slow development to go with that. Employees move, so if you’re not bringing outside talent in, you only see the inside

Here are a few pics taken from my garden (the ship is roughly 10km away), the first one taken shortly after it ran aground: