Carpenter Brut’s “Trilogy” is a stellar album!
Carpenter Brut’s “Trilogy” is a stellar album!
I agree with you about “Jurassic Bark” being incredibly sad, however having lost my mom way to early in life, “Game of Tones” is what always chokes me up.
That’s the one.
Assuming you got the notice from Dodge to do a reprogram to greatly reduce theft? My SP is in the garage waiting for winter to be over, but I’ll be getting the service performed in the spring.
With the ongoing semi-conductor shortage most manufacturers are reserving components for their most profitable products. GM/Ford/Stellantis are putting everything into truck/SUV production right now because they’re moving every unit they build and can’t build them fast enough.
I wish I had bought the clean white XJ 5-speed when you had it for sale.
Maybe your brother’s girlfriend will lend it to you to use when the Valiant is down for repairs?
Do you have a source for this? I’d like to read up on it more.
My next dog will be named “Dakota” as I’ve owned something like 12 of them in my life. Also like “Chief” (Indian motorcycle owner.)
Get rid of the Jetta, keep the Sierra. GMT900s are really great trucks!
I’ve got a SP Challenger, thankfully equipped with that anti-theft device. It’s sad that manuals are going the way of the dodo, but at the same time it’s nice to know only a small fraction of people could think of stealing my care.
Can I just make one suggestion? Seeing a rusted out car with a single master cylinder is concerning. Even if the lines have been replaced, if the master cylinder fails you’ve got no brakes.
My vote is leave the bumper as-is.
Our insurance prices in Michigan have been absurd for a long time, definitely makes being a car/motorcycle nut painfully expensive.
I love your 91 XJ, and having bought vehicles out of Washington/Oregon can attest to how great of condition they remain in that climate.
Thank you for not forcing me to go through a slideshow!
That was a lot of staff members ago...
As my dad always tells me, if you own too much shit, eventually your shit ends up owning you.
Completely agree. I’ve enjoyed some of Craig’s Bond movies, but the darkness wears on you a bit. Particularly in the last two where the antagonists goal is to turn Bond into an empty shell and strip away anything and everything he cares about. Not about killing him, just about destroying him. That’s pretty dark.
I drove a 08 Sierra for 8 years and 100k miles, I absolutely LOVED the 5.3/4L60/3.73 powertrain combo. Had it down to where I’d have it shifting at 1700rpm (I drive like an old man).